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View Full Version : Ugh, this pissed me off a bit.

08-10-2011, 02:45 AM
i work at a large supermarket here as a cashier, and i go through many people every night. let me say first that i was surprised at the amount of people using foodstamps, however, most weren't abusing them and buying anything they wanted with it. most of them. i have had a few bad experiences though, ones that make me want to slap them in the face and give me my tax money back.

for example, the other night, i had an obviously rich lady come through with her coach designer purse and about $500 worth of food. well, okay who am i to judge her for buying that much food, but she didnt need the food stamps. did i forget to mention that $300 of that $500 was in alaskan king crab legs?

i have no problem with people needing gov't assistance, but dont be greedy little asswipes and spend it on luxuries like king crab legs or to feed your addictions with drugs and alcohol. one of the best ways to catch a drug addict at a rehabilitation center is to catch them stealing food. this is because they trade their food stamps for drugs with the guy on the corner who is also on food stamps

i know a lot of this doesnt make sense to some of you, but its 3 in the morning and im tired but wanted to rant.

08-10-2011, 09:16 AM
I hear your rant... it's out of control here in the Detroit area.
They take advantage of every nice gesture the government or the people make, to the point that nobody wants to help them anymore and then they cry about not getting assistance.

I'm not one of those mushy.. "but they have mouths to feed" kind of people.

If you can work.. get a friggen job. I don't care if it only pays minimum wage, I don't care if its not something you want to do, I don't care if it means you have to actually work... get your ass off welfare and food stamps and get to work.

I would love to see these government handouts chopped off right at the wrist. You get 1 month... if you can find even a remedial job in 1 month AND you are fit to work then work. If you are not fit to work you are REQUIRED to submit to random AND scheduled physical and drug testing.

If the amount of money you can make at the new job is less than you were making on welfare THEN you are allowed a food card to compensate. If you are still struggling budget counseling would be available. If you still can't make it work you are doing something seriously wrong and need to consider dropping your alcohol intake, your tobacco expenses, your drug abuse and maybe.. just maybe for once spend time with your illegitimate kids and teach them why its important to go to school and do better.

I get it, there are hard cases in every story... but I am confident that with the changes above employment would be at an all time high, welfare at an all time low and we would STILL SAVE MONEY because of all of the mooches being cut from the system.

We have become a free handout society and its frustrating.

But alas.. this will never happen because nobody has the stones to say the truth in politics and know that re-election would be difficult.

Great DevilDog.. now you have me ranting!

08-10-2011, 10:26 AM
I see the same here where I'm at too, that's funny because I was thinking about this shit last night.

Go to a supermarket and just observe while you are shopping.
The people that have to pay out of their pockets check the prices of the items before putting it in the cart.

These fucks with foodstamps throw shit in their carts without looking at anything.
They'll go up to the cashier open their Luis Vuitton purses and then pull out the foodstamp card to pay.........then walk out into the parking lot loading the groceries into their 40-50 thousand dollar cars while talking on their welfare cellphones.

Something is fucking wrong here.

08-10-2011, 12:12 PM
Are drug addicts trading the foodstamps to drug dealers? If so it seems like the simplest solution is to put the drug addict's name on the foodstamp, and then they would need to show ID when buying $300 worth of Alaskan king crab.

08-10-2011, 12:59 PM
There are places that still use physical food stamps?
Up here it's called a EBT Card (Electronic Benefit Transfer) which has food stamp funds and other cash benefits on it.

I believe it was made to prevent people from selling food stamps and shit.


08-10-2011, 01:06 PM
There are places that still use physical food stamps?
Up here it's called a EBT Card (Electronic Benefit Transfer) which has food stamp funds and other cash benefits on it.

I believe it was made to prevent people from selling food stamps and shit.


i have only seen the EBT card at my store, but i know people who do security in drug rehabilitation centers in philadelphia who said that they traded the food stamps for drugs, so i guess so

08-10-2011, 03:57 PM
I hate when I see people with that EBT card
1. buying soda and twinkies and potatoe chips
2. driving away in beamers
3. buying beer w cash

I could kick them in the cunt.

08-10-2011, 08:46 PM
When i lived in mass they have the ebt card this is how it would work and it really sucks on how they can not stop it \
Person goes into grocery store buys what ever there food stamp alotment is the person that is with them in turn gives them the cash in exchange for the groceries that is how the drug addicts get there money from food stamps I use to hate that when i seen it and its the same people over and over again
Now i live in another state and to get assitance here is like pulling teeth Mind you now I only needed it till my family could get back working as I am disabled
they told me my income was to high to recive assitance I really buget my money and it got so tough that my family almost starved one week

But then i see these people with tricked out cars where expensive shoes go in the supermarket and pay for it with food stamps I did not ask for money just a break so we could get on our feet Makes me so angry when i see this I always say something Like sell those sneakers and you could pay for a week food for a family of eight My wife always tells me to stop Then when them people look at me I tell them like this
THE TRUTH HURTS DONT IT AND I SMILE (in my mind I say go a head say somthing i dare you)

08-10-2011, 09:00 PM
When i lived in mass they have the ebt card this is how it would work and it really sucks on how they can not stop it \
Person goes into grocery store buys what ever there food stamp alotment is the person that is with them in turn gives them the cash in exchange for the groceries that is how the drug addicts get there money from food stamps I use to hate that when i seen it and its the same people over and over again
Now i live in another state and to get assitance here is like pulling teeth Mind you now I only needed it till my family could get back working as I am disabled
they told me my income was to high to recive assitance I really buget my money and it got so tough that my family almost starved one week

But then i see these people with tricked out cars where expensive shoes go in the supermarket and pay for it with food stamps I did not ask for money just a break so we could get on our feet Makes me so angry when i see this I always say something Like sell those sneakers and you could pay for a week food for a family of eight My wife always tells me to stop Then when them people look at me I tell them like this
THE TRUTH HURTS DONT IT AND I SMILE (in my mind I say go a head say somthing i dare you)

i know what you mean. i am the last of 4 children and my parents never got any kind of assistance. my dad was the main provider in the family, when he fell and broke his hip (only 2 kids were born yet but the 3rd was born during this) my dad had to stay in the hospital for months and had it replaced and went through hell (he was taking 12 aspirin ever 4 hours at some times because of the pain). my family really had no money at all. it all went to mortgage and bills. the weeks food money was a few $$$ and still, what could you get for that? most of the time it was pancake mix, and even then it was readymix because there wasnt enough money for milk and eggs. finally my dad got back into work in an office job and my mom got a good job as a saleswoman and has been top national seller for the past couple of years

@Eris i lol'd at your post

08-10-2011, 09:25 PM
Eris lets not forget those abusing the system here have the most jewelry on and fancy nails. Best clothes and vehicles too.On a side note-last night at the micky d's on skibo I had one guy ask me for a ride (he seemed like a serial killer,i declined) and another couple were askin for "food money". I offered them my dollar fries and they didnt accept it. Rambling...sorry...lol

08-10-2011, 11:33 PM
Kay this is for Devil Dog ....my funny ass story.

So not only do douchebags get foodstamps/EBT cards (which btw you can also use at laundry mats...lol) BUT the bitches get EXTRA when they get knocked up. This is called WIC. Now with WIC you can only buy certain "mother and baby" friendly items. Milk ,cereal, baby food, enfamil formula (which is kept behind the counter because apparently these loser bitches pull major scams with the Enfamil) and in my state in Food Lion, there is a seperate line for these people to use their WIC stamps and get their Enfamil.

Behold the 2 bitches in the picture below.

1. they are in the "prego food stamp only" line buying Enfamil and cigarettes and soda
2. that is a LITER of Coke she has in her giant man hand
3. these bitches tried to start a FIGHT with me INSIDE the store...AND followed me to my car to continue the fight. (they were mad I was laughing at them and their attempt to fight me, and taking their picture)
4. they had their infant baby in tow ( i asked if they were gonna swing their baby at me)

The full details of the almost-fight is another story; but the main point here is THIS is what we work and pay taxes for. So sea manatees like these two can drink soda and smoke menthols and breed and have their own checkout line and start fights in a public building with an infant and one on the way.

Stay classy Food Lion Bitches.... wherever your fat asses may be now. :roleyes:

08-10-2011, 11:39 PM
i wonder who the father is? actually, they are probably wondering the same thing

08-10-2011, 11:51 PM
Man hand! LMFAO! I go to Food Lion alot. Thats where I see the bling and the ebt in the same transaction.

08-10-2011, 11:55 PM
I know i should not say this But was there only one baby in tow looks like in the picture there was You should have punched the Fat bitch in the fucking mouth But that just my opion :)

08-11-2011, 09:00 AM
Wow Eris, that girl can sure leave out some coke from her ration and replace it with some mineral water.

08-11-2011, 09:25 AM
In case anyone was wondering why I didn't kick their asses its because those heffers would have crushed me. The one in the blue shorts was 3 times maybe 5 times my size. I did however threaten to call their probation officers. The peeled out of the parking lot (super smart w a baby in the car)....and were promptly pulled over by a waiting police car. One of the checkers in the store had called the cops on them.

Still a funny story.

08-11-2011, 10:57 AM
Hell if the food lion trolls like to pop out kids and never work a day in their life, why can't we donate women like this to the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints? At least those kids don't seem to be trouble makers.

08-11-2011, 11:01 AM
In case anyone was wondering why I didn't kick their asses its because those heffers would have crushed me. The one in the blue shorts was 3 times maybe 5 times my size. I did however threaten to call their probation officers. The peeled out of the parking lot (super smart w a baby in the car)....and were promptly pulled over by a waiting police car. One of the checkers in the store had called the cops on them.

Still a funny story.

Yeah, but you know Eris, many of those people just big mouth and nothing else, can only hide behind laws, rights and constitution. While in fact they should take responsibility in their own hands.

No law on the planet is better then a clear and open mind plus honestly taking responsibility for your own life in your hands.

08-11-2011, 01:09 PM

Yeah they have a big mouth, but trust me MIR... People like that where I'm from will get on the cellphone and you won't make it out of the parking lot. You will be mobbed and mopped up before you know it. Ghetto people don't call cops or lawyers over physical altercations.

It happens on a daily basis around here and the police don't do shit.

Last weekend I watched a rich snooty woman that had no mouth discipline get mopped up all over the Home Depot parking lot. The argument started in the checkout line between that woman and a huge ghetto beast, while that was happening the beast's friends were on their cell phones.

That beast followed the skinny rich woman out of the store and continued arguing and trying to provoke, once the 3 carloads of her friends arrived she then yanked the woman to the ground by her hair and like 6 female ghetto turds gave that poor stupid woman the beating of her life.

Police arrived 15 minutes later...the police station is 3 minutes away.

Word to the wise, don't engage with ghetto ass fucks unless you are prepared take on multiple people at once.
That's why I keep a pump in my SUV's spare tire well.

Eris did the right thing by avoiding physical contact.

08-11-2011, 01:47 PM
if you want video of it, just look up the recent video of the philly bus shooting. a lady on the bus criticized their parenting and they got on the phone. when the bus pulled up to her stop, there were a couple of guys with rifles who shot at the bus, but luckily they dont know how to shoot without having the gun at their hip and sideways

08-11-2011, 03:32 PM

No man, i don't imply that she should have confronted them, i mean that those people simply abuse their rights on those food stamps instead of doing something useful like work. And will scream loudest that they have a total right for it. And even if it's so it's way better for your personal development to actually do something with your life and not just sit on your azz and scream about your rights.

08-11-2011, 03:53 PM

Ahh ok, I see what you mean
Yeah, I agree totally.

I hate those fucks.

08-11-2011, 04:59 PM
Ya Devil I saw that vid. It would have been great target practice having thoses 2 shitbags right in the open doorway of the bus. Had a ccw holder been there they mighta made the obits and not just the news.

08-25-2011, 10:06 AM
More food stamp scams. This time they are being twice as wasteful. (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/08/24/federal-government-tries-to-stop-food-stamp-water-dumping-fraud/)

08-25-2011, 11:25 AM
Government help pisses me off!

I bust my ass everyday to feed my wife and 2 kids (myself included). My wife has a disability that prevents her from working. We literally live pay check to pay check and yet because my GROSS income is x number of dollars we don't qualify for any assistance.

However, my NET (take home) is LESS than what her friend gets paid from the government and she gets to sit on her ass all day and not work. She COULD get a job, but why would she? The government pays her too good to go get a job.

My GROSS is substantially greater than my NET because I work for a Union and have a pension plan. Both are substantial deductions of my pay. So basically because I have a secure job and a plan for retirement I have to struggle my entire life?

All this does is make me want to cheat the system!

08-25-2011, 02:20 PM
Government help pisses me off!

I bust my ass everyday to feed my wife and 2 kids (myself included). My wife has a disability that prevents her from working. We literally live pay check to pay check and yet because my GROSS income is x number of dollars we don't qualify for any assistance.

However, my NET (take home) is LESS than what her friend gets paid from the government and she gets to sit on her ass all day and not work. She COULD get a job, but why would she? The government pays her too good to go get a job.

My GROSS is substantially greater than my NET because I work for a Union and have a pension plan. Both are substantial deductions of my pay. So basically because I have a secure job and a plan for retirement I have to struggle my entire life?

All this does is make me want to cheat the system!

But why you guys don't have a system similar to EU? Here you actually have to look for work if you're getting money from the government. If you not gonna do it they will simply cut off the money tree for you.
You will still be getting help if you have kids even if you're working but in no way you can just sit on your azz and do nothing.

Like here, if you just can't find job but still doing your best, it's ok. You will get financial support.

Just weird tbh, Those things have simple solutions, but i guess who ever will implement those changes will loose big amount of votes on elections, because those financial vampires can still vote.

08-25-2011, 05:10 PM
American politics is about maintaining or improving the status quo. And if that means shifting financial responsibility to the next administration... so be it. But entitlements earn votes, and you don't realize how dependent you are on the government till someone threatens to take it away.

08-25-2011, 11:08 PM
They breed and vote.
Simple solution. On government program/relief, you don't vote. Conflict of interest.
Case closed, court adjourned.
Ya like apples? HUH, ya like apples? How do you like dem apples?
Seabees CAN DO

08-25-2011, 11:13 PM
We Americans don't want your type of system. Hide and watch. This ratbastard has pushed us way too close to your way. His days are numbered. Check back in Mid November '12.
But why you guys don't have a system similar to EU? Here you actually have to look for work if you're getting money from the government. If you not gonna do it they will simply cut off the money tree for you.
You will still be getting help if you have kids even if you're working but in no way you can just sit on your azz and do nothing.

Like here, if you just can't find job but still doing your best, it's ok. You will get financial support.

Just weird tbh, Those things have simple solutions, but i guess who ever will implement those changes will loose big amount of votes on elections, because those financial vampires can still vote.

08-25-2011, 11:38 PM
We Americans don't want your type of system. Hide and watch. This ratbastard has pushed us way too close to your way. His days are numbered. Check back in Mid November '12.

You my dear friend should go under the rock you cam under from and byte your tong since nothing good will come out from that pie hole of yours, and most of all never tell me what to do Winnie the Pooh.

08-25-2011, 11:53 PM
Alright guys calm down. Discussion is fine and fair just don't make it a flame war. To be fair if you do take unemploymentbut are still able bodied you have to look for at a minimum of 5 jobs a month. I feel Grouchos pain because growing up we didn't make enough but made too much to get assistance.

I am not going to lock the thread yet. If this bickering continues I will lock it and issue an official warning. Please tone it down.

08-26-2011, 12:04 AM

You're getting what you're giving.

As i said before, i will never start talking bad azz or smack, but I will give a proper response for blatant clownery. I threat people the same way they threat me.

08-26-2011, 12:22 AM
I know this is just a heads up MIR and nothing more. That is why I said what I said not a personal attack. Just a heads up is all. I am trying to keep it from going any further is all. You don't have to like each other but be civil. If that requires someone to drop the issue and walk away to be the bigger man so be it. Keep up the discussion just tone it down is all. Think of this as a shotgun blast and not a sniper shot. This applies to all threads.

08-26-2011, 09:27 AM
Any "system" can be frauded. It's the same here in that you have to try to find work. But there's always ways around it. There's another girl i kn ow who is on Disability and gets as much money as I take home, but there's nothing wrong with her. She had her doctor write up some BS about her and she got approved.

All forms of government aid are shit. There's people who truly need it and I understand/respect that. Those are also typically the people who would love to have a job and earn their money. But seeing people abuse and fraud the system totally pisses me off. This same chick that is on disability was collecting baby bonus for 5 years for a baby that died at birth. We called the government about it and they said, "Nope, everything seems fine on her account. The baby shows to be legitimate."
i don't know how you can have a dead baby and still collect for it (morally or physically), but I sometimes wonder if it was a dumpster baby.

People make me sick!

08-26-2011, 10:40 AM
Any "system" can be frauded. It's the same here in that you have to try to find work. But there's always ways around it. There's another girl i kn ow who is on Disability and gets as much money as I take home, but there's nothing wrong with her. She had her doctor write up some BS about her and she got approved.

All forms of government aid are shit. There's people who truly need it and I understand/respect that. Those are also typically the people who would love to have a job and earn their money. But seeing people abuse and fraud the system totally pisses me off. This same chick that is on disability was collecting baby bonus for 5 years for a baby that died at birth. We called the government about it and they said, "Nope, everything seems fine on her account. The baby shows to be legitimate."
i don't know how you can have a dead baby and still collect for it (morally or physically), but I sometimes wonder if it was a dumpster baby.

People make me sick!

But why government doesn't introduce some kind of control on those things?

Why not to enforce a person to work?

When i came to Europe, one of the few things that blew me away is that many mothers who were pregnant, were working till they were on their 6-7th month of pregnancy. And got back to work as soon as they could after they gave a birth.

Why that program is so irresponsible?

In USSR we also had similar thing in the 80s. But it was mostly due to the lack of food products then anything else.

With 14 trillion in debts, it's time to adjust that money give away policy i think.

08-26-2011, 10:58 AM
With 14 trillion in debts, it's time to adjust that money give away policy i think.

I think we all agree on that here, the problem is finding someone who is willing to change it in the government.

It will start small, like Florida requiring welfare recipients to take drug tests (http://articles.cnn.com/2011-06-05/politics/florida.welfare.drug.testing_1_drug-testing-tanf-welfare-recipients?_s=PM:POLITICS).

But I like the idea of restricting the voting rights of those that are completely dependent on the government. However, it is hard to classify exactly who to restrict and why.

08-26-2011, 01:41 PM
But why government doesn't introduce some kind of control on those things?

Why not to enforce a person to work?

When i came to Europe, one of the few things that blew me away is that many mothers who were pregnant, were working till they were on their 6-7th month of pregnancy. And got back to work as soon as they could after they gave a birth.

Why that program is so irresponsible?

In USSR we also had similar thing in the 80s. But it was mostly due to the lack of food products then anything else.

With 14 trillion in debts, it's time to adjust that money give away policy i think.

yeah, stalin did that for a long time. and he managed to get rid of 30,000,000 of his own citizens at the same time

08-26-2011, 01:48 PM
Truly comprehensive benefits reform is just as hard to touch as education.

08-26-2011, 01:55 PM
yeah, stalin did that for a long time. and he managed to get rid of 30,000,000 of his own citizens at the same time

I think you are referring to the force labor camps. In which the government killed political prisoners as well as anyone who disagreed, or spoke out against the hypocritical leadership.

08-26-2011, 03:02 PM
I think you are referring to the force labor camps. In which the government killed political prisoners as well as anyone who disagreed, or spoke out against the hypocritical leadership.

yes i was

08-26-2011, 03:22 PM
Im going to get food stamps tomorrow.

08-26-2011, 08:04 PM
yeah, stalin did that for a long time. and he managed to get rid of 30,000,000 of his own citizens at the same time

Hmmm i don't reckon Stalin being alive in the last 20 years.

08-26-2011, 09:43 PM
Hmmm i don't reckon Stalin being alive in the last 20 years.

i never said he was. i can see how you misinterpreted it as that though

08-26-2011, 11:08 PM
i never said he was. i can see how you misinterpreted it as that though

But why do we end up with Stalin or some other stuff all the time?

08-27-2011, 12:03 AM
But why do we end up with Stalin or some other stuff all the time?

history tends to repeat itself if we dont learn from our past mistakes

or something like that :P

08-27-2011, 12:19 AM
But why do we end up with Stalin or some other stuff all the time?

Think about it. Stalin, Lenin are infamous leaders. Those two have seeded their place in history.

08-27-2011, 12:26 AM
history tends to repeat itself if we dont learn from our past mistakes

or something like that :P

It does, But why not to take other examples? Like Teutonic order invasion of old Russia? Or a Polish invasion of Russia in 17 century? Which was known as dark times? When they burned down half of Moscow?

People here asking why we can't have good discussion on the forums...

Answer is simple, because we always getting those comments.

We're talking about one thing and then something totally out of place pops up in the form of some sort of accusation.

When this thing will be eliminated, and people with different opinion won't be marked as liberals, communist or simply bashed away, forums will come to live. Then we will have more interesting discussions on more topics.

As of now, people are simply being jumped on for opinions which are different from: Let's trow a nuclear bomb at them.

08-27-2011, 12:32 AM
Think about it. Stalin, Lenin are infamous leaders. Those two have seeded their place in history.

Yes, they are. But some of the best things in the world were done by the most evil people in history.

You know that a lot of good things for human kind were done by the most controversial people in history.

In times of 2nd WW one Japanese doctor was performing experiments on people, insane experiments.

That gave them a huge leap in medicine after the war and that doctor was reward with some of the highest honors in Japan and died not so long ago as a hero.

Stalin refused to leave Moscow at the very last moment when Germans were 20 or so kilometers from it.

Imagine if he would've left? What would have happened then?

Don't learn history, learn from it! And never judge it.

08-27-2011, 01:06 AM
Very well put. Joeseph Mangela taught us how to graft on limbs better. How long it takes a person to die from exposure to the extreme temperatures. You can always learn from people.

08-27-2011, 04:19 PM
Florida introduced legislation to drug test those on welfare and government assistance so far it's been proven that only 2% of those receiving benefits are using drugs which is significantly less than the rest of society whose drug use is generally accepted around the 8% area.

Just another way to slap the poor people in the face and allow the Neo-Cons to police something else....

Welcome to America, Nanny State.

08-27-2011, 10:27 PM
A fellow brother of mine, a brother through service, served for 15 years. He served in Desert Shield, Cav unit.

While in the military he got a degree in carpentry, the economy took a shit a long time ago. He was not able to find a job that could provide for his three children, simply because there was no work for the backbone of America the construction worker. After exhausting all resources he finally went on food stamps, an action that hurt him more than anything in the world.

This fellow veteran friend of mind hand no other choice, he has worked for everything he has, spent his money wisely, and if I have to pay for 1000000 people to help this hard working honest American, I would do so in a heart beat everytime.

Food stamps are not over rated, sometimes they really do help those that need it. At a cost, sure, but it doesn't matter as long as that brother of mine can get his money through the bureaucracy that "serves" our nation on a day to day basis.

08-28-2011, 01:06 AM
A fellow brother of mine, a brother through service, served for 15 years. He served in Desert Shield, Cav unit.

While in the military he got a degree in carpentry, the economy took a shit a long time ago. He was not able to find a job that could provide for his three children, simply because there was no work for the backbone of America the construction worker. After exhausting all resources he finally went on food stamps, an action that hurt him more than anything in the world.

This fellow veteran friend of mind hand no other choice, he has worked for everything he has, spent his money wisely, and if I have to pay for 1000000 people to help this hard working honest American, I would do so in a heart beat everytime.

Food stamps are not over rated, sometimes they really do help those that need it. At a cost, sure, but it doesn't matter as long as that brother of mine can get his money through the bureaucracy that "serves" our nation on a day to day basis.
i wholeheartedly agree. its only the people who abuse it that annoy me

08-28-2011, 05:21 AM
i wholeheartedly agree. its only the people who abuse it that annoy me

Well, I know people that abuse it and I agree they piss me off too!!! Yet at the same time I know its a little too easy to kick people when they're down and get annoyed and shew and blow behind someone in the grocery store just because they're using food stamps. It's hard to imagine rich people would get food stamps so i assume that besides the odd-ball liar if someone is willing enough to go to the store and pay with food stamps and let everyone see I'd almost wager a bet they need em'.
I think food stamps are like 160.00 or a few dollars more per person, per month and if that small amount feeds an american that would otherwise go hungry terrific. It's actually nice to see government do something with my tax dollars other than giving it to the big banks and bailing every fucking one out. The people are needing the bailout!!! Foreign aid here and there, we give our wealth away and in my opinion before we give a dime to anyone besides a USA citizen everyone in America should have food and shelter.

We need to look our for our own country awhile.

08-28-2011, 06:25 PM
Careful. You might find yourself squarely in the middle of a Tea Party rally. :)