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View Full Version : What the world needs is another word war!!! no no hear me out

08-09-2011, 03:51 AM
Lets call a spade a spade, nothing kicks the economy into gear like a good old fashioned word wide blood bath.
China and the US that would be fun maybe Russia can manage to get them self tied into that as well, I don't think the Norcs need a lot of encouragement to wipe out soft south Korea and the Pakis and Indians could go nuclear for good measure.

So how could we get this started? I say either the US or China needs to step up and declare war on each other, don't worry about the reasons today's generation plastic will believe about anything they are being told, as soon as China and the US are killing each other by the millions we could have the Russians strongly condemn both nations for a few days until they finally send in their obsolete old fashioned fleet to get mixed up.
Meanwhile in the cashmere mountains a few bored solders on the boarder to pakistan take a few potshots at some bored paki soldiers - the world need to now convince the Pakis to completely over react and retaliate with some tactical nukes on some fucking big Indian city.

The big challenge is Europe - Pacified soft Europeans don't want war, they want to fuck make money and pollute the world with more under educated skinny jeans wearing faggolate drinking offspring - however with the increased radical islamic "minorities" (there's a good laugh) we could start a race war in Europe - the police would be fucking helpless as we can see with currently events in London - lets organist a couple of under privileged black rape gangs, their primary function is to single out any half way decent looking white woman and rape them by the hundreds and I guarantee you soon you have synagogues and mosques burning which is not exactly world war but its a start.

Right now things are so tense that you could butt fuck a German Sheppard on the tonights show and get away with it.

The middle east is going to be eeeeeaasy shit, a few bombs here a few bombs there and with the US busy killing Chinese suicide commandos Israel will be for the first time free to do as they please - they of course see their chance to fulfill prophesy and kill every Arab in the middle east which they will be just too happy to do so, I mean whats a few nukes here and there they were only defending themselves.

At the end we will have again millions dead - cities and countries destroyed - no existing economy - and we can start all over again.

To be continued... I am just about in the mood to go nuclear myself.

08-09-2011, 10:02 AM
I also heard a theory about wars and epidemics enforcing a natural control on world population and keeping it in balance.

But the thing is, any global war in today's world will inevitably lead to use of nuclear weapons.

08-09-2011, 10:03 AM
Now that's the Stark that I love :)
Welcome home Bro

"Right now things are so tense that you could butt fuck a German Sheppard on the tonights show and get away with it."

I'm ready, let's do this!

08-09-2011, 10:31 AM
you really think use of Nuclear weapons would happen?
I'm not sure. Somebody possibly would.....but I'm not sure if it would be the United States.

As a younger Airman, I worked with nuclear ICBMs for quite some time.
It was hard, long boring work which gave me time to think about different scenarios regarding the use of Nuclear Weapons.

Just staring at that beast called the Minuteman III while it's in the ground gave me chills when I first started working that job
I couldn't imagine witnessing it actually launching, life as we knew it would be over.

I feel that a nuclear launch from the United States would depend on the President, and our current President would never authorize the use of those weapons. However if the command was given, I have confidence that our MCC's (Missile Combat Crew, the officers that launch the ICBM) would carry out the task without hesitation.

The U.S. realm of nuclear weapons is hardcore. I was trained to kill my own people(fellow Airmen) in order to protect those resources, it did not matter if the "bad guys" had children strapped to their chests....I would have to shoot through the kids without even thinking in order to keep that resource from being destroyed or falling into enemy hands. You cannot be deterred at any cost.

I honestly feel that in my lifetime, I will not see nukes used on anyone by the United States.
If it does happen, we might as well put bullets into our head after we hear the news of a launch.

08-09-2011, 07:48 PM
"What the world needs is another word war!!! no no hear me out"..
pass me that jacket please nurse ratchet.. :D :D

giggle.. stark sounds like adolf after WW1 :D