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08-04-2011, 10:03 PM
Hey all, I'm not really a posting kinda guy, but I've been watching videos on this site for a good year or so now. I'm 17, 18 in March, and got my parents to sign the papers so I could enlist in the Marine Corps. I got in all good and got my grubby little hands on an Infantry contract (which is my dream), and I leave at the end of next June for Paris Island (still have to finish my senior year).

So, I figured that there's a good amount of Veterans on this site, as well as people who know a great deal about the military. I've done a ton of research on just about anything Military due to it before my passion in life, but hey, there's always more to learn and more advice to be had.

If any of you all have any words of wisdom, stories, warnings, or anything else you would like to share, I would really appreciate it.

08-04-2011, 11:04 PM
You got your dream hardest part is, Basic after that school but I am a Army Vet Marines are way different They train vigorously all the time.But in any Military service we are all the same Brothers in Arms serving our country One bit of advice listen to your instructors everything you do everyday something or somehow the training and the advice of Veterans and your follow Marines will come in real handy Remember this!! Even advice from former Vet's Listen Again congrads on your signing up to serve the greatest nation in the world I have Marine friends and Remember this also,
Once a Marine always a Marine Active or retired Marine for Life
Again Congrads and server the Corp Well

08-04-2011, 11:38 PM
that weight that left your shoulders when you signed up was actually your soul being taken away haha jk man congrats. MARINES!!!!

08-05-2011, 12:07 AM
Keep your head on straight, mouth shut, eyes forward, don't let anyone know your name, do what you are told, and do exactly what you are told in a very quick and orderly manner. Also as serpa said, listen. Everyday you should learn atleast one thing from someone, in basic you should learn 30 a day!.

Congratulations on joining the Marines, you have become a member of a very small percentage of Americans! Also join your local American Legion. Great organization!

08-22-2011, 11:47 AM
You leavin june 25? cause thats when i am, infantry too.

08-25-2011, 10:54 PM
Well, well, well. Little one. You are about to become educated in what you don't know, what you don't need, what is not important. You will become educated in what you need to know, what you do need, and what is most important. This next chapter of your life will test you in ways you cannot imagine, yet. If you truly want to be successful it comes at a price.
BUT, if you are tried, tested and found adequate, this will be the begining of best time of your life, and you will become one with your fellow Marines. I sincerly hope in these coming years to hear and read on your experiences. It is what YOU make it. Seek the wise ones.
Respectfully, G
Seabees, CAN DO!

08-25-2011, 11:16 PM
Groucho my cousin is going to seabee school now

08-26-2011, 02:06 PM
Forget everything you think you know about becoming and being a Marine.Go to boot with the attitude that you dont know shit and EVERYTHING that happens is 100% needed to become a Marine.Details, it is all in the details, absorb and retain as much as you can.There will be some things you will have to figure out yourself.Marines adapt and overcome, this means some situations you will not have or have been taught the right or wrong answer.Those who make it and earn thier EGA are those who do not give up, know what teamwork is, can admit thier weaknesses, adapt and overcome and truly want to be a Marine.

08-27-2011, 05:22 PM
Best of Luck!

10-04-2011, 08:59 PM
You leavin june 25? cause thats when i am, infantry too.

No shit dude, I was supposed to leave June 4th but now I'm the 25th. PM me your last name, that would be crazy if we wound up in the same Platoon.