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07-30-2011, 03:00 PM
After I got home from basic training this past April, I was home for 30 days on medical leave for a broken foot. After that I had to go back to Ft. Benning (gay isn't it?) and I was there from May 25th to July 26th (how I didn't snap and do crazy shit I'll never know.)

It sucked, but at the same time it had benefits being a medical holdover back where I did basic. I was originally set to go to Ft. Carson for my first duty station. It was cool, but I've heard the base is awesome but 4th ID doesn't have shit on any other unit (no disrespect to 4th ID members on AC). My company (E 2-19) had a change of command ceremony with all the higher ups attending. After the ceremony, the battalion commander walked into the office I was cleaning up and asked where my new CO was. I forget where he went, but then the batt commander asked what the situation was with my foot and when I would get out of Benning. I gave him my little story and he asked which duty station I would get. I told him supposedly Carson, because there would have been a chance I could've lost it (my orders to report was May 21st, the day Harold Camping was really sucking :P). The batt commander said the best thing I've ever heard: "Well, where do you want to go?" Crazy me said "I would like to go to Ft. Drum"

Before you say "What the fucks wrong with you?" Drum is 2 hours from my hometown and what the fuck, it's the 10th Mountain Division: high speed, great training, just a fucking bad ass unit to start my career with. The batt commander said he'd put "getting me Drum" on his to do list. I never believed it would happen until my Company CO told me "You're going to Drum". Well the batt commander came through for me, so here I am at Drum on AC.

I got to Drum on July 27, and shit!!!! I was assigned to 2nd BCT 4-31 INF and my first time meeting the team leaders was like a day zero shark attack at Benning. So, I'm the FNG, but I'm starting to get settled in for now, and learning the dos and don'ts. Wish me luck with this new adventure.

07-30-2011, 03:09 PM
Thank you for your service

07-30-2011, 04:10 PM
Welcome to the POLAR BEARS!!!!!! PRO PATRIA!!!!!! Fucking outstanding I ease in A Co when they were Predators. 1st platoon BASTARDS FOR LIFE!!!!!!! Let me know if you run into any of my buddies that are still there. Mosby, Anderson. Not sure which company but they served two tours with me. If you get the chance when you pcs or eta try to out do me with a George prank. I taped a large dildo in his mouth.

07-30-2011, 04:19 PM
Fucking hilarious nastyleg!!!! I don't know if I can out do that one though, but I'll think of something. But yeah, if I come across your buddies I'll let you know, but I'm not in A Co. but my buddy I went to basic is there now.

07-30-2011, 04:31 PM
Still a polar bear non the less. Congrats. you will get tired of range OP 5A and range 50 aka jurrasic park ,31,32

07-31-2011, 12:02 AM
Good luck, buddy!

07-31-2011, 12:22 AM
Congrads bud on your assingment I had my 2 week summer training there twice it's an awsome place Canadian border aint that far away either do they still have the Tank battalions up there I know back in 1979-1984 they had them but abrams where just coming into service they had m-60 pattons when I was there if you look in the forum section under funny stories will in the service you will see the story i put in there about running a message out to battalion commander and how i sank a m880 pick up Thanks for your service enjoy your time and dont drink to much enlisted clubs there can be lets say an adventure lol Again congrads on your assingment you where lucky to get so close to home

07-31-2011, 12:09 PM
[QUOTE=serpa6;47340]Congrads bud on your assingment I had my 2 week summer training there twice it's an awsome place Canadian border aint that far away either do they still have the Tank battalions up there I know back in 1979-1984 they had them but abrams where just coming into service they had m-60 pattons when I was there if you look in the forum section under funny stories will in the service you will see the story i put in there about running a message out to battalion commander and how i sank a m880 pick up Thanks for your service enjoy your time and dont drink to much enlisted clubs there can be lets say an adventure lol Again congrads on your assingment you where lucky to get so close to home

No, no tanks here, just all light infantry, cav scouts, artillery, and support troops. Thanks by the way.

07-31-2011, 05:26 PM
Hey Def!!!

nice to see you/hear you...you're good and fine, your leg is fine now

and that story with the commander.....awesome

im sending my best wishes to all Ft.Drum Soldiers, keep safe guys!

Defensor! keep safe and keep cool!
Serve the Nation!
thx for the sitrep :D

and GoodLuck! :thumbsup:

07-31-2011, 05:33 PM
Good job brother... Grats

08-03-2011, 05:39 AM
Goodluck bro, and have fun, stay safe.

08-04-2011, 03:16 PM
Hey Def!!!

nice to see you/hear you...you're good and fine, your leg is fine now

and that story with the commander.....awesome

im sending my best wishes to all Ft.Drum Soldiers, keep safe guys!

Defensor! keep safe and keep cool!
Serve the Nation!
thx for the sitrep :D

and GoodLuck! :thumbsup:

Thanks SgtJim :) The foot is all healed and doing fine, and it got a little workout doing some great PT. I'll defitnitely be keeping it safe and cool as well.

08-05-2011, 12:09 AM
Congrats bro, keep well through your IET, and good luck to you in the future.

08-05-2011, 08:39 PM
congrats bro and thanks for signing up when most people these days wont. if you really want to have a good experience in the infantry i suggest ranger school and then RASP right away, you'll love it. good luck!

08-13-2011, 05:22 AM
good luck and stay safe buddy , hope u make us proude :thumbsup: