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View Full Version : 20110721 - 80 Haqqani Network, 'foreign fighters' killed in raid on Paktika camp

07-27-2011, 03:00 PM
by Bill Roggio @ longwarjournal :)

Photos courtesy International Security Assistance Force

More than 80 Haqqani Network fighters, including several "foreign fighters," have been killed during an operation in eastern Afghanistan that targeted a training camp.
Afghan officials said that the death toll in the operation in the Sar Rowzah district in Paktika province, which was first reported yesterday by the International Security Assistance Force, has risen to 80.
"The combined operation of Afghan and international troops have left 80 armed militants dead in Paktika province over the past three days," a statement released by the provincial administration said, according to Xinhua (http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/world/2011-07/23/c_131004747.htm).
Several "foreign fighters" were among those killed during the fighting, according to a report by Afghan Ariana TV. The US military uses the term 'foreign fighters' to describe members of al Qaeda and other terror groups operating in Afghanistan.
US military officials contacted by The Long War Journal said several of those killed were indeed "foreign fighters," but the officials would not provide the identities or numbers of those killed. The vast majority of those killed were Haqqani Network fighters based in Pakistan's tribal agency of North Waziristan. The Haqqani Network, which is supported by Pakistan's military and intelligence services, maintains a safe haven in North Waziristan, and uses the tribal agency to stage attacks into Afghanistan as well as shelter and support al Qaeda leaders and fighters.

Read more: http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2011/07/80_haqqani_network_f.php#ixzz1TKjgLTfX

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