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View Full Version : scammers getting busted by a tech radio host

07-26-2011, 03:46 PM
A scam company calling themselves Loginforspeed.com called a radio host who does FAQ for computers and other tech stuff. He calls them out after awhile. He traces the call back to India. The caller bounces his call through Canada, UK and US Virgin Islands. They do this to avoid prosecution. The host of the show put the whole thing on youtube,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmAA1b-F1Jw over 7 million hits on google.com of people linking them to a scam. Another great resource to find out if the people calling you are who they say they are is www.800notes.com for some reason scammers have thought I was a retard( no comments from the peanut gallery) and tried to scam me into giving me my credit card info. Google the company if you get an unwanted call and use 800 notes.

07-26-2011, 04:40 PM


now im curently sitting on the floor because i was falled 3 times from my chair.....because of laughing..................
what a f***g lame group of this.....

07-26-2011, 05:13 PM
Same thing here man laughed so hard my wife thought I was crying