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View Full Version : Help i need fucking help

07-12-2011, 08:45 PM
Ok just needed to get a mods attention on this issue so hope the title worked...:duh:

Here is what I need help with. The RULES here at AC....What are they today? What will they be tomorrow? Can someone please just post them on the frontpage so I and everyone else can know what they are now?

Here is the confusion. ---------------

Please refrain from political comments Your comment:

"I honestly see America headed towards what is happening in Greece.

The politicians here have played their political power to their personal gain and shit on honest citizens over and over again.

Look at our national debt its a joke that it has got this far and this bad.

If your American go through your house to see where your stuff is made. Made in China is the answer and it happened so greedy big business could increase profits by shitting on American workers.

The economic crash we are in now was caused by greedy banks lending with no conscious or care.

Now we have them coming at middle class teachers, police, firemen and state workers to pay for their corrupt political dealing of the past.

If you really want to see what I am talking about learn about big sugar in America and how that operation works its only the beginning of examples of broker politics."

Eagle you know the rules this will be your only warning <------------------!!!!!!!!!:hb:

Serpa6 AC Staff Mod

I do know the rules as far as what is on the frontpage right now... it is as follows.

--------------the rules---------------------

Comment rules!


1: No derogatory comments about any religion (critical comments are welcome, the tone plays the music) - Penalty is 4 days Suspension/Timeout.
2: No baseless attacks
3: No LINKING or POSTING of pornographic material
4: No obvious trolling


1: Don't feed the trolls learn to ignore comments
2: There is no "best" army
3: Maintain trigger discipline at all times
4: Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to shoot.


Please explain where the politics rule is and why we are now not able to voice an opinion?


07-12-2011, 08:51 PM
You need help let this ring a bell I and other's on the staff have told you if you want to talk politics do it in the forums Am I right or Wrong and to keep it off the front page right Excuse us if we have not Modded the box yet But you still want to do the things that you want to do and then Write how we are so wrong What are you trying to do set us back again Yes i said YOU

07-12-2011, 09:48 PM
You need help let this ring a bell I and other's on the staff have told you if you want to talk politics do it in the forums Am I right or Wrong and to keep it off the front page right Excuse us if we have not Modded the box yet But you still want to do the things that you want to do and then Write how we are so wrong What are you trying to do set us back again Yes i said YOU
Serpa6 AC STAFF MOD honestly a lot of discussions are about politics and ive never heard of it being wrong before... it doesnt say it in the rules either.

07-12-2011, 09:59 PM
Yea I agree, if the mods want political discussions off the front page and only in the forums then it should be in the rules. If there is no rules about political comments then we should be free to discuss politics anywhere on the page.

07-12-2011, 10:02 PM
The Rules Box is going to be moded

07-12-2011, 10:45 PM
dont fuck me over because I have no idea about the unwritten mod rules.

this is crap and i am trying to be as polite and respectful to you sir but seriously if this is the way AC is going to operate then your going to throw out the baby with the bath water if you understand me.

07-12-2011, 11:11 PM
eagle you will not get fucked over like you say so dont try the bullshit of how you dont know about the political comments and that they dont belong on the frontpage and they belong in the forums and I understand about the baby and the bathwater what do you think I am a Kid

07-13-2011, 02:11 AM

In complete honesty I have no idea of this no politics rule sir. Yes I have heard it said that politics should be removed but never have I or anyone else I can bet seen that politics and opinions of politics are forbidden.

So please you and whoever else wants to make me a villian here at AC for what ever reason you or they have go right ahead but as has been shown before and will show again this type of conduct is detrimental to AC.

This game playing is not even childish but outright embarrassing to watch happen. This is an adult page and adults come here to discuss adult topics related to military and police and weapons and war.

I dont need to talk about politics but in all honesty the focus on censorship of your members here is becoming more of a cancer than any other issue that has ever plagued this site I can assure you.

It has become now seriously beyond no comments of religion but now politics and what next?

That defeating the point of a site that is based on member comments revolving around issues that relate to politics.

This is a no win for you folks as has been said already politics gets discussed often here and it unfortunately seems the sites days are numbered now with this type of behavior.

Really I have not broken a rule but I am warned not to discuss politics or I am timed out.

This is a farce in my opinion and I call it how i see it.

These are my comments which ........."APACHECLIPS.COM IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY COMMENTS"

Truly I have done nothing wrong here but this is now going to blow up into some shit fest where I get scolded like a child that didn't listen to his parents.

Please alter the rules on the front page to show the new rules and I will follow them as I have been following them as they exist currently but I dont have mental telepathy to read your mind or anyone else mind and know what your thinking the rules are from one minute to the next.

07-13-2011, 02:17 AM
War is politics.
The majority of posts on AC pertain in some way to war.

The rules to this site are clear, well... sorta.
Serpa's rules are not clear. I don't see them anywhere.
How long does this mess of the 'invisible rule' debate have to go on for?
This is insane.

A moderator, in a sense, is like a cop.
He or she ENFORCES the law (rules) which are on the books. That is why they are there.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Most importantly, if the rules are changed to include no political comments,
how in the fuck is it possible to remove politics from a military-based website?
Every military in the world is ran by a government.
Every government is ran by some sort of politician.
Politics, in some way, is implanted in every aspect of our lives.

Political comments on combat posts, military, war, etc. is ON-TOPIC.
It is not derailment. Post a question about it...ask the community and I guarantee the majority will agree. No...the overwhelming majority will agree.

Show me where it isn't and I'll prove that it is.

The front page and the forums are separate, right?
We have to log onto each of them separately.

Some members don't visit the forums, so how it is rational to expect a debate to be brought from one site to another and still retain its mojo?

I would love to know how a military/war site is going to remove politics from comments.
This is laughable.
Some posts are PURELY political with no military significance.
Explain yourself out of that gaggle-fuck !


Serpa, we are begging for a reasonable God damned explanation here.

07-13-2011, 03:58 AM
There is no problem discussing politics, the problem is how its being discussed - especially you Eagle I have about a handful of comments from you that I could easily classify as bullying, intimidation and or trolling.
I give you an example - Why do so many people don't discuss politics on the dinner table? That's right because sure as hell things get out of hand and somebody is going to get stabbed in the eye by a fork.

So when one of my mods asks you polity not to discuss politics on the frontage what they really mean is - everybody is okay to discuss politics as they want apart from you and why?
Because you have a tendency and a track record as long as my fucking arm that your discussions become a fucking flame fest with karma raping as good measure.
Which subsequently creates too much work for my mods and they are sick of it.

You want to stay on AC you tone down you message (nobody says you need to alter your opinion so don't even start with that bullshit).

And another thing the next person that says "So THIS is the road AC is going down" is catching a 14 days TO without warning and or possibility of parole, I'm sick of that shit here we are battling for the survival of the page day in day out and all you guys are worried about is that your "needs are not meet" well drop some of you needs than, AC is not a democracy its a full blown dictator ship and guess who's digging the mass graves.

07-13-2011, 07:40 AM
First of all, ApacheClips is free therefore you dont have rights..you have priveleges...

If Apache does not meet needs, go elsewhere.. if not, enjoy the movies, pictures and more of the good stuff other members take the time to upload and share (thanks everybody!).

The problem is that you cannot make "rules" for a site like this.... the comment wich was up on the site "The tone sets the music" is the best rule there is.

Admins, moderators etc dont HAVE to look at comments on their moderating skills. So dont cry if they dont. Trust them, they are big boys!

Remember the site's name... ApacheClips.... so if your political comment is not related to military hardware or software (the humans) I dont think this is the place to ventilate your comments...that falls under trolling....

07-13-2011, 09:44 AM
War IS political, there is no doubt.
Sun Tzu explained it centuries ago. Carl von Clausewitz, a Prussian military theorist from the 1800s stated it unequivocally. Even Machiavelli explained how the two were inseperable.
All that being said, Apache Cilps is not a socialist endeavor. There is no voting on how things should be run, it is decided by one man. Anyone becoming a member should understand this.
If you are O.K. with the way that it is being run, then you will spend more time at the site.
If you are not happy with the way things are being run, you will spend less, or no, time at the site.
Run the site the way you will, but please don't insult our intelligence by trying to convince us that war is not a part of politics.

07-13-2011, 09:56 AM
IT'S unfortunate that we seem to visit this area of concern on a regular basis, i for one do not have a problem with people voicing political opinions. i have them and so do others they may differ but i do not call them names because of thier belives. the rules are vague when it comes to this but it seems that if a mod doesnt agree there is a problem. when i joined this site this was never an issue. if these issues are the backbone of lack of advertising in your opinion, i said before there are many sites where people speak freely with respect and they don't seem to have an advertising problem, it's the content of the videos that scare your potentail advertising dollars away.

to qoute stark:
And another thing the next person that says "So THIS is the road AC is going down" is catching a 14 days TO without warning and or possibility of parole, I'm sick of that shit here we are battling for the survival of the page day in day out and all you guys are worried about is that your "needs are not meet" well drop some of you needs than, AC is not a democracy its a full blown dictator ship and guess who's digging the mass graves.

im' sorry if it offends but your members are the ones supporting you on this site, if we continue in this way, this is my opinion. i feel that apacheclips will die a slow and painfull death which would be a shame.

if someone feels i'm out of line want to gitmo me, so be it. my life will go on. i have made friends on this site and will continue to keep in touch with them.

when do the brown shirts go on sale on the t-shirt site? sieg hiel

07-13-2011, 11:10 AM
Stark I am glad you have made your thoughts clear on this issue as it means a lot to me how you view a situation like this.

Let me say this:

I have spent a lot of my own personal time (because I wanted to) finding content for this site and have great appreciation for those who do it.

I have donated to this site my own money again because I wanted to.

I have always just made comments with my personal opinions.

In all of this I have been loyal to AC.

I have tried to help other members with questions on uploading and embedding and things relating to the site.

In my own opinion I have been a honest and loyal member trying to just use the site as it was intended.

There are members here that every comment they make they create a clusterfuck because they are the constant antagonist here.

Then you have trolls that I can go through a few pages and show you where they only troll bait and flame other members never once uploading or being honest and commenting about a post or offering a sincere opinion just starting shit with other members.

These trolls havnt been dealt with while i see myself and others being accused of shit that frankly is an example of why this site is fading.

You as the owner and the mods are attacking your honest and loyal members while everyone sees trolls and antagonist being supported and ignored.

Stark I have donated
I have uploaded
I have just shared my own opinion
I have followed the rules

If i am following the rules then why am i being attacked here?
What is the point of all this?

It really doesn't matter the answer as it isn't logically able to be answered and so I am done here.

07-13-2011, 12:59 PM
I'm going to post in order to help out and minimize casualties...because it will happen if we keep going down this route. So please listen.

All of this is really stupid and unnecessary

Ok, let me first start off saying this......if you ask me how I feel about Islam and Muslims? My response would be I hate them all and I would and will kill any of them if the occasion should arise. I'm dead serious.

I was in the service before and after 9/11, and prior to 9/11 I was around it all while being deployed. I saw things that would make a normal person sick in the head.....and that was not in a time of war.

So, I know WHO my enemies are.

This is a mutli-cultural website......in which, some of my comments do offend others and it has been brought up before. I have pissed a lot of members off by my comments in the past...even prior to becoming a moderator. I had to modify the way I post in order to keep things fluid with less whining and drama. (multi-culturism does not work in real life...and it doesn't work on a website tbh because of conflicts)

I have my own form and views on politics, which probably don't go with the Norm. I tend to take pieces of Conservatism, Constitutionalism, Libertarianism, and smoking marijuanaism :)

We need some sort of neutrality on the front page, it's the way it has to be.
Sure we can discuss politics...even to the extreme(up to a point), If we happen to come across a subject/topic from an upload that we know that will become politically heated etc, make a thread in the forums and paste the link in that upload directing others to join in.

I promise you, that you will be able to speak your mind and we could possibly have some good ass discussions/debates. I love that kind of shit.
I'll be right in there, discussing too. I miss it.

Use the forums, use the shoutbox to post discussion links etc.

Rules....Rules...Rules... Yes, rules suck. I hate them, yet in life....we must follow them. whether written or unwritten, it does not matter. We all must follow them.
If a moderator tells a member to do something or change certain things.....you must abide by them as we are an extension of Stark.

If you feel like a moderator is treating you unfairly/unjustly, send Stark PM's.

We can fix this rusty revolving door we are stuck in regarding this situation.

Can we do this? Are you guys down?
I would never steer anyone wrong.

If not, I really do not know what else to do.....I don't want it to rest on fate, because we all lose.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this with minimal pain?
Be my guest and reply.

Also, maybe we should have a "Warzone" section in the forums where anything goes(to a point, no crazy porn shit).....
A place to vent and argue, talk shit to others flame/hate etc

I'd love to get in on some of that type of action. Dead serious.

07-13-2011, 01:32 PM
Why cant mods work in black and white?If its a rule than judge based on the rule ,if its not than let it go.That is fairness.Here is the definition of fairness
FAIRNESS : Having or exhibiting a disposition that is free of favoritism or bias; impartial

07-13-2011, 02:48 PM
@ PsychoSixx, nice suggestions but it will not work in a dictatorship. And we all know how dictatorships end.

It's just hypocrisy to keep politics and religious comments off the frontpage and put them somewhere in the forums which not many people visit. This is ONE website not two. New members/businesses will find out sooner or later so why hide it? This is weak.

Members can comment so everything can be expected. Instead of being afraid of it moderators(look up the word moderate in the dictionary) should learn to handle that or not call yourself a moderator but an enforcer. And if members need to stick to the rules so should moderators. The message on the frontpage and I quote: "moderators are being openly attacked and ridiculed and criticized. " works both ways. I have plenty of examples where some "moderators" do exactly the same.

It is not the members that are responsible for the clusterfuck but unclear rules, bs rules, rules that changed and changed again, unwritten rules, lack of communication and unprofessional behaviour by some "moderators".

I was drawn to this site when this political correctness bs wasn't in effect. We are all watching people getting their heads blown off and some are worried political correctness? Politics and military go hand in hand.

War isn't pretty and it never will be.

Several time Eaglethebeagle has tried to organize/contribute something positive for AC which was totally ignored or waved away. Others also tried and now you want to listen?

07-13-2011, 02:58 PM
I asked for sincere real suggestions or a way to fix this "issue" so it would benefit everyone.

It now seems that some of you, just have issues with moderators and authority...yeah? Is that really the case?
The game then changes.

Sorry, I tried.
Now my hands are tied.

I hope you will be happy with the outcome.
I know I won't be......

Like I said, if you feel like a moderator is doing something unjust.....report it. No one has yet to do it.
Who are these un-professional moderators and what have they exactly done wrong? Where is the proof?

07-13-2011, 03:12 PM
Several time Eaglethebeagle has tried to organize/contribute something positive for AC which was totally ignored or waved away. Others also tried and now you want to listen?really? where? show me i would love to see this.

07-13-2011, 03:46 PM
I have no idea what the problem is this time, but I hope some of you members can start acting like level headed adults, and not preteen girls who are on their periods. Seriously, all you guys do is bitch and moan about what you like and don't like about this site, like old wash women. It seems most of the problems come from members trying to stick their dicks in management's shoes. If you don't like and abide by the rules, leave. The site won't miss you, management won't miss you, and most of the regular members won't miss you.

Follow the rules, behave like good little boys, and there won't be any problems. And if there are problems, we'll sit you in the rusty shed out back until you cooperate.

07-13-2011, 03:58 PM
Less rules are better, I agree 100%, but when disciplinary action is taken upon members who are not breaking written rules, then how could a reasonable person not expect this type of reaction?

We're just the members, the peons under a dictatorship who willingly contribute, donate and try to have a good time. If we keep getting shit on, we come to forums and try to work it out.

I have contacted Admin and have gotten good answers, but nothing is fixed.
Maybe it's in the 'workings,' but it ain't fixed.
The only results I've seen are some Admin removing themselves from my Friends List.

I haven't figured that one out yet.


This is how childish it can get. Proof? I got it.
I negged Eris a while back on a comment she made. Being a moderator, she can see who negs her and/or who ups her.
Negging and upping is the sole purpose of the karma thing, right?

Allow me to paste her response:

And yo..."secret" rater haters (not JP).......keep in mind we see EVERYTHING you do...and Stark an Markoxx is busy, it would suck if our manicured fingers accidentally pushed the "clear karma" button....


See what I mean? She posted this within seconds after I negged (disagreed) with her. It was me and JP on the post. So, who's left?...me. It's like trying to work with a 7th grader.

Sixx is right. The site needs to step back like it was a year or so ago.

If Eris wants my karma, take it Eris. You can have it. I think it's silly anyways, but if it's there for me to use, I'll use it.

My point is, by reporting something we deem to be unjust, we get put on a shit-list, get removed as a friend, get childish, name-calling PMs and end up in the forums with nothing resolved.

Great system.

Then, after I get insulted, I return an insulting PM ( PRIVATE message ) right back at her, assuming it was private, and the next day, Stark has a new warning posted on the front page.

Moral of the story:
Don't trust Eris with privacy

I'm thoroughly vented. I feel much better.
So, how about those Reds? They've been knocking the ball around...

07-13-2011, 04:01 PM
Tokenvi, you just highlighted my point. Thanks.

07-13-2011, 04:21 PM
There is no problem discussing politics, the problem is how its being discussed - especially you Eagle I have about a handful of comments from you that I could easily classify as bullying, intimidation and or trolling.
I give you an example - Why do so many people don't discuss politics on the dinner table? That's right because sure as hell things get out of hand and somebody is going to get stabbed in the eye by a fork.

Unless eagle was was trolling with this post (which would need to include the context where it was posted), I don't see what rules it broke. On the other hand, I found a great example of a bullying and intimidating post!...

I have know idea what the problem is this time, but I hope some of you members can start acting like level headed adults, and not preteen girls who are on their periods. Seriously, all you guys do is bitch and moan about what you like and don't like about this site, like old wash women. It seems most of the problems come from members trying to stick their dicks in management's shoes. If you don't like and abide by the rules, leave. The site won't miss you, management won't miss you, and most of the regular members won't miss you.

Follow the rules, behave like good little boys, and there won't be any problems. And if there are problems, we'll sit you in the rusty shed out back until you cooperate.

Can the mods just get a set of concise and reasonable rules together before threatening us (and rules we will ALL adhere to) ? I'm not taking either side in this argument until the rules are posted.

07-13-2011, 04:41 PM
angus FYI we cannot see who has negged us or upped us bro, that isn't a feature we have...

Also kubala, the Rules are being reviewed, they have been for the past 2 weeks and we want it to be fully done with alot of consideration taken onboard with the opinions and ideas coming from members.

you know what, i am sick of coming on AC just to hear members whine about this and that, it's pretty pathetic now, we understand you want things done, and yes they will get done but in our time, as we are all so busy in life with work and family, then to spend 1-3 hours adminning the website.

you guy's just need to appreciate what we do here, and think to yourselves why we post such defensive posts sometime's?

07-13-2011, 07:02 PM
Speaking for myself and probably for most members, we do appreciate the unpaid efforts of all involved in keeping this site running.

But, as instructed, we use the forums to post bitches, moans, gripes and complaints.
The other avenue is through PMs.
We're using the only assets we got on hand. It is in no way meant to disrupt lives.

There are problems, not huge problems, but big enough to warrant resolve.

I can't help it if a moderator or any member blatantly lies to prove a point or to bully. It's silly, but I appreciate you clearing that up for me, Scott.
At least now we know that the rules are being revised and hopefully this nonsense will end.

I want to enjoy AC like we used to...like Sixx mentioned. It sounds like we're on the right track.
Thanks, and we do appreciate you. It would look like Libya in here if you all didn't keep us in line.

But please, for the love of all that is holy, do it in a grown-up, professional way. Respect and order will surely follow.

Semper Fi,

07-13-2011, 07:23 PM
@ PzychoSixx, you want examples, here are a few:

Comment rule says:
1: No derogatory comments about any religion

Moderator: "All religion is retarded."

- "peanut brain"

- "fuck buddy posse"

- "simple minded retards are too fucking stupid"

- " I don't give a shit about you or anyone else's opinion."

- "That makes you look like a clueless asshole."

- "Don't be a fucking prick and try to expect help."

- "preteen girls who are on their periods."

- "problems come from members trying to stick their dicks in management's shoes."

Why this is not reported? It has been brought up before. But what does it matter? It's a dictatorship or did you forget that?

If you call the above quotes professional and mature, then let me know.

@ Scott, here you go:






Scott wrote: "you know what, i am sick of coming on AC just to hear members whine about this and that, it's pretty pathetic now, we understand you want things done, and yes they will get done but in our time, as we are all so busy in life with work and family, then to spend 1-3 hours adminning the website."

Why not just make a post/message about it? That's what I mean with lack of communication. It would have saved a lot of frustration.

07-13-2011, 07:33 PM
I used to come to this site for awesome videos and funny comments. Now every time I get a chance to log on its just arguments about useless shit. Here's my 2 cents- this is their site, their rules. Some people may not like that but in the end you have to deal with it. You are not entitled to this website. If you want to have little comment bitch fights I'm sure LL is still made up of little kids. Could always be a silent participant. Watch vids and enjoy them. Use pm if you want to talk to friends without repercussions. Idk most likely I will be enlisting so I probably won't even be on this site anymore. It was fun while it lasted

07-13-2011, 07:53 PM
@ Darksmurf

I like how you used my comment - "Don't be a fucking prick and try to expect help."
But you failed to put the reason why exactly that comment was made. Have you ever heard of the Golden Rule bro?

I'll post it for you since you are trying to be one-sided.
Here is what went down on that discussion:

Quote Originally Posted by RedFang4:

Your sentence i.e. Timeout or GITMO: I'm sorry I don't understand those terms. :<
Date of your sentence:Long time ago
Reason: I logged on and tried to comment and rate a video and it said I don't have permission. I thought it was a site error, but has been going on for a long time so i guess a mod didn't like me.
PM received by what moderator: Never got one.
Reason why you want to appeal your sentence: (Please note reasons as “I was just kidding around”

I honestly don't know why or if this is really a punishment or I need to do something to be able to comment?

My comment:
Guess a MOD didn't like you huh?
Did you maybe think that you may have violated a rule?

Don't be a fucking prick and try to expect help.

Do you not see the reason why my response was like that?

Again, the golden rule and common courtesy goes both ways.
You act like a prick and you should expect to be treated in the same manner.

I don't have time for that bullshit. I will go out of my way to help members.....but if you act like that guy did.....you get nothing.

So, with that being said.... Why did you post one of MY comments without giving the whole story? That is kinda lame is it not?

I'm starting to think that you are not on the same page as the others here that do want resolve and have the AC of old.
It looks like you are just here to smear ALL of the mods and AC in general.

Don't fuck with me, I can justify everything that I do. I have yet to fuck up and do something wrong. Sure, I have been in arguments with members before.....Hehe I think I have argued with Jp multiple times before to the point of calling names. He gave me a verbal beating and I accepted it and moved on. I did not use any of my Mod powers to fuck him over......nor do I mess with him to this date.
I've only been in trouble once, and that was because a member reported me for saying that I would kill a cop, if he shot my dog for no reason.

07-13-2011, 09:27 PM
We here at apacheclips are here to run a website but members want to have there way We do our job and we do it without picking out certain people we treat everyone the same if one member or another we treat you all the same there are no favorites there is not rating High to low or a totem pole on who sits on a pestital Certain members think they should do our jobs If you did you would quit in a heartbeat sitting here reading each comment validating We the staff take our own personal time to have this website alive and this is what we get
A warning is a warning another words a suggestion with out presidence from the management of the website. We here the Staff have trolls spammners agruements to calm and have to follow our rules for this website
What are forums for to do, what I think that the members know the answer to have at it on subjects that are going to get heated there is a section in the forums on politics Use it please
We here have enough work and enough to read each day on frontpage and for a member to say to me You better not fuck me How am I suppose to respond to that you all tell me I think I have treated everyone quite equally here if you get a warning you get one deal with it That will make you think next time and I think everyone here is quite intelligent enough to know what I am talking about and if anyone want's to attack the Staff you will be dealt with accordingly Let the rules box get modded and end this now
Thanks to all
Serpa6 AC Staff Mod

07-13-2011, 11:27 PM

07-13-2011, 11:34 PM

Are you a member of Marijuanaism too?

Thank god! I thought I was the only one on AC that practices that :)

07-14-2011, 01:38 AM
"We here at apacheclips are here to run a website but members want to have there way"

"We do our job and we do it without picking out certain people we treat everyone the same if one member or another we treat you all the same there are no favorites there is not rating High to low or a totem pole on who sits on a pestital"

" A warning is a warning another words a suggestion with out presidence from the management of the website. We here the Staff have trolls spammners agruements to calm and have to follow our rules for this website"

" We here have enough work and enough to read each day on frontpage and for a member to say to me You better not fuck me How am I suppose to respond to that you all tell me I think I have treated everyone quite equally here if you get a warning you get one deal with it That will make you think next time and I think everyone here is quite intelligent enough to know what I am talking about and if anyone want's to attack the Staff you will be dealt with accordingly Let the rules box get modded and end this now "

Thanks to all
Serpa6 AC Staff Mod

Ok I was correct this would become another shit storm.

Lets keep this simple and to the point.

I got a PM from serpa6 to not comment on politics on the frontpage with the point made by him that I should know better and know the "RULES". That next time I would be timed out.

Ok it has been clarified by Stark that there is not a current rule nor is discussing politics wrong.

I only have seen members mention they disliked political uploads and then most of us would ask why if you dont like political uploads did you click on a post about president obama?

As was the case with uploads of dead or dying troops we got all pissed off and it was decided that if we didnt like those post to not click on them. So I dont click on those post anymore.

I am following the rules so it is a lack of communication here that I am a step away from a time out because of breaking a non existent rule.

I dont want anything but to be left alone not called names by mods or other members.

I haven't been in any shit with anyone other than maybe gazz who like i said he is the lone antagonist that picks fights just to pick them by his own admission.

Serpa as you can read my comment again to see it clearly does not state I said "you better not fuck me" as you say in your last comment what I said is "I dont want to get fucked over".

This is because Angus just went through his time out and kept asking what rule he broke and he never understood why he was timed out. I dont want to be timed out or (fucked over) for talking politics when politics is an open topic for discussion.

I think honesty is the best policy and lets be honest somehow I am looked at like a problem here.

Stark you have an opinion that I blow up political debates. Well I dont recall myself doing that or being more fiery than any other members for which I should be pointed out for some reason.

Again I agree with Sixx as I have opinions that will not line up with some members but I am not crying to a mod or Stark that someone insulted religion.

There is certainly a group of members that are not liked as they have already been insulted no need to rehash that again.

I am only responding to this thread as I originated it but I will give Stark and the others their wish and I will be on my way from AC now. I hope AC survives I have shown I care about AC and done plenty to support it. Scott I hope you now have your examples of where I have tried to help and thank you for showing that you found that ridiculous as you are a mod and surely dont have a good opinion of me either.

Denying the truth and lying builds distrust and resentment.

here is tokinov in the chat I found interesting as he surely doesnt let personal feelings affect his moderating.

[Yesterday 09:30 PM] Tokenvi : More Storms.
[Yesterday 07:52 PM] Tokenvi : Great videos, guys.
[Yesterday 06:10 PM] SgtJim : http://youtu.be/pZ9H5XPKi-o
[Yesterday 06:01 PM] SgtJim : http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/187904-...l_flashing.gif
[Yesterday 04:29 PM] PzychoSixx : http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/video...N16Lxe2R0xKG8A LOL
[Yesterday 03:32 PM] Tokenvi : I hope the cliques on this web site are raped with an open hot sauce bottle.
[Yesterday 02:35 PM] MadeInRu : woo
[Yesterday 01:35 PM] Scott : both m8
[Yesterday 12:32 PM] SgtJim : Scott NewsCorp and BSkyB? or u thinking about AC?
[Yesterday 12:24 PM] Scott : i sometimes i think to myself, are we really surrounded by idiots? ... the answer is yes, yes we are..... humans are idiots
[Yesterday 12:03 PM] Tokenvi : I think I'll wait for the GTX 600 series until I buy a duel core GPU.
[Yesterday 10:08 AM] SgtJim : 3 blastgs not 2, at least 15 injured
[Yesterday 10:03 AM] SgtJim : hmm, 2 bombs exploded in Mumbai....
[Yesterday 10:02 AM] SgtJim : yep, sup.....check my latest post in the forums...
[Yesterday 09:57 AM] Scott : hi jim, sup?
[Yesterday 03:54 AM] SgtJim : Scott
[Yesterday 03:53 AM] Scott : nothing to be suprised about, im up to date with everything on BF3

Professional and top notch

07-14-2011, 04:37 AM
Ok my turn once again, and i hope i make some sense, im still half awake, im about to go to work!

eagle you are right, Stark has cleared this up with the political stuff concerning the frontpage, i may remind you all, we are humans and the beloved AC Staff do get it wrong, or there is some confusion involved in this, Apologies? no i don't think anyone here needs to say sorry to whomever, we all make mistake's and express our concern which may be seen wrong to others.

Secondly, we(The Staff) ask you to bare with us right now, as you know Stark and Markoxx are extremely busy, so things may be slow as everyone knows personal lifes come before the interwebz, things will get done but in time.

Expressing your views is perfectly fine on the forums and the frontpage, it's how you go about expressing your opinion which will determind whether you may have broke one of our rules or not.

concerning political bullshit (yes that's my term i use)
no matter wha, when politics is involved there is most likely going to be a Arguement involve, let's face it, it is to somewhat a sensetive subject to discuss, and rightly so it can be discussed but that's all we would like, discussing not arguement which can lead to Flame wars and we all know how they end.

eagle, i don't find anything ridiclous, i asked for proof and proof i got, i appreciate your efforts, it is noted buddy, i just didn't see any of "that" effort recently as i've been so busy in life myself.

i would love to talk more but im of to work now and then to drink some Vodka, have a good day all.

07-14-2011, 06:41 AM
Well tok has a point the gtx 600s will be out in Q4 but they will probably be pretty expensive they will have double the performance of the Fermi chips though.

07-14-2011, 08:47 AM
1 Question:
What was different on AC a few years back? Write it in clear for me to understand please.

Subsequently I will rework the rules - they are going to be easy to use in the future - if it will work out the way I would like it, it will very easy to use indeed.

07-14-2011, 10:50 AM
I have no idea what the problem is this time, but I hope some of you members can start acting like level headed adults, and not preteen girls who are on their periods. Seriously, all you guys do is bitch and moan about what you like and don't like about this site, like old wash women. It seems most of the problems come from members trying to stick their dicks in management's shoes. If you don't like and abide by the rules, leave. The site won't miss you, management won't miss you, and most of the regular members won't miss you.

Follow the rules, behave like good little boys, and there won't be any problems. And if there are problems, we'll sit you in the rusty shed out back until you cooperate.

Is this a joke? We are all here trying to come up with a solution to a significant problem pertaining to the site, and a member of management talks to us like this?
I don't allow ANYONE to speak to me in such a fashion, and it is only out of respect for Stark, and the site that I don't tell you what would happen if you tried to " sit me in the rusty shed out back"
I don't piss and moan about anything, and I wouldn't stick my dick in your shoes, or anything else you have. I don't want to be part of management. If I did I would have applied for the position when the call went out for mods.
And finally, "follow the rules, behave like good little boys, and there won't be any problems."

That is HIGHLY insulting, and I guarantee that you would NEVER tell me to be a "good little boy" in person.
I have lost a great deal of respect for you.

07-14-2011, 11:00 AM
Is this a joke? We are all here trying to come up with a solution to a significant problem pertaining to the site, and a member of management talks to us like this?
I don't allow ANYONE to speak to me in such a fashion, and it is only out of respect for Stark, and the site that I don't tell you what would happen if you tried to " sit me in the rusty shed out back"
I don't piss and moan about anything, and I wouldn't stick my dick in your shoes, or anything else you have. I don't want to be part of management. If I did I would have applied for the position when the call went out for mods.
And finally, "follow the rules, behave like good little boys, and there won't be any problems."

That is HIGHLY insulting, and I guarantee that you would NEVER tell me to be a "good little boy" in person.
I have lost a great deal of respect for you.

Toki has a hard time right now - I applogiese on hi behalf he meant a small group of people not all Apaches.

TOKI in my office NOW!!!

07-14-2011, 11:53 AM
Hey Bro, thanks for addressing this problem, that shows the professionalism at the top.
Respect and courtesy are a two way street.

07-14-2011, 04:28 PM
problem is solved I guess. and I swear to god I will ban anyone that starts troubles or whine or bitch from now on. if your friends comes here and be your lawyer they will be banned aswell.
NO more fuck ups by anyone!!!

rules you have em now its one fucking simple rule. follow it or be fucked!!!

some members and Mods fucked up but not anymore!!!

07-14-2011, 04:46 PM
well the rule change is unexpected.. curious to understand were things like 'allah guided bullets' and 'allah snackbar' comments are going to be dealt with.. i'm assuming NO derogatory religious comments means none of the above??

(and sorry stark but some of the recommendations are pointless and irrelevant.. )
some ideas for consideration..
1:try to keep post/comments military related..
2: treat other members as you would expect to be treated
3: word/spell all comments carefully.. (english preferred)
4: Respect the Mods and all judgements
5: always respect service badge holders (military personal)
6: trolling/flaming/personal attacks will not be tolerated.. avoid them

07-14-2011, 04:58 PM
well the rule change is unexpected.. curious to understand were things like 'allah guided bullets' and 'allah snackbar' comments are going to be dealt with.. i'm assuming NO derogatory religious comments means none of the above??

(and sorry stark but some of the recommendations are pointless and irrelevant.. )
some ideas for consideration..
1:try to keep post/comments military related..
2: treat other members as you would expect to be treated
3: word/spell all comments carefully.. (english preferred)
4: Respect the Mods and all judgements
5: always respect service badge holders (military personal)
6: trolling/flaming/personal attacks will not be tolerated.. avoid them

they meant to be fun - we germans take our humor seriously

07-14-2011, 08:31 PM
@Stark We sure do Mien Genaral

07-14-2011, 11:04 PM
I fucking love it!

This is a tight-knit community that resolved an issue.

I appreciate you all. Thank you.

07-15-2011, 04:24 AM
I fucking love it!

This is a tight-knit community that resolved an issue.

I appreciate you all. Thank you.

I've been saying that all along! lol, when the ship is being swung side to side it's hard to stay on without falling of the side.... when the ship finally settles and your onboard, everything is kick ass and enjoyable once again, never lose the trust in mother nature (in this case Stark) hehe.

07-15-2011, 07:50 AM
I have no idea what the problem is this time, but I hope some of you members can start acting like level headed adults, and not preteen girls who are on their periods. Seriously, all you guys do is bitch and moan about what you like and don't like about this site, like old wash women. It seems most of the problems come from members trying to stick their dicks in management's shoes. If you don't like and abide by the rules, leave. The site won't miss you, management won't miss you, and most of the regular members won't miss you.

Follow the rules, behave like good little boys, and there won't be any problems. And if there are problems, we'll sit you in the rusty shed out back until you cooperate.

this is the garbage i was talking about a month ago, when someone doesn't know how to express themselves they respond with insults and name calling! take an example from sixx on how to respond in the future.

07-15-2011, 09:25 AM
The issue has been resolved.

Topic closed... :)