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View Full Version : June 29., 2011. - ISAF Joint Command Operational Update

06-29-2011, 08:45 AM
ISAF Joint Command- Afghanistan
For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 29, 2011) – A combined Afghan and coalition patrol conducted an operation to disrupt insurgent facilitation routes in Shah Wali Kot district, Kandahar province, June 27.

Several insurgents were killed during the operation and one insurgent was wounded when he attempted to engage the patrol with small arms fire and a machine gun. The injured insurgent was treated at the scene by coalition medics before being taken to a medical facility for further treatment.

The patrol confiscated a light machine gun and 400 7.62 mm rounds during the operation.

In other International Security Assistance Force news throughout Afghanistan:


In Kunduz province, a combined Afghan and coalition security force detained numerous suspected insurgents while searching for a Taliban facilitator in Archi district, yesterday. The facilitator supports a roadside bomb and suicide attack network within Archi and is directly involved with securing weapons and ammunition, coordinating personnel movements and facilitating the collection of illegal taxes.

Following several reports of insurgent activity in the area, the Afghan-led security force searched a compound in the district. The force questioned several men and detained those believed to be Taliban insurgents.


A combined Afghan and coalition security force captured a Taliban financier and one of his associates in Sangin district, Helmand province, during a nighttime security operation yesterday. The financier provided funding for roadside bomb operations and direct attacks, targeting Afghan and coalition forces.

The Afghan-led security force found the financier while searching a compound noted for Taliban activity. He and one associate were identified by residents during interviews and detained.

In Zharay district, Kandahar, a combined security force captured several suspected insurgents. The force searched the area and interviewed residents regarding insurgent activity before taking several men into custody for additional questioning.

A combined Afghan and coalition force discovered a weapons cache in Kandahar district, Kandahar province, Sunday. The cache consisted of one AK-47 rifle, two full AK-47 magazines, one 80 mm mortar round, 75 7.62 mm rounds, 64 pounds (29 kilograms) of explosives, ten pressure plates, one mine, one pistol, homemade bomb making materials, one binoculars and a radio. Eight insurgents were detained and the weapons were seized by security forces.


In Sharan district, Paktika province, a combined Afghan and coalition force killed several insurgents during a security operation yesterday. The force was engaged by insurgents with small-arms fire. After positively identifying the insurgent’s position, the force returned fire, killing several insurgents. Initial reports indicate no civilians were harmed during the operation.

A combined Afghan and coalition security force detained several suspected insurgents during a security operation in Ghazni district, Ghazni province, yesterday. The Afghan-led force was searching for a Haqqani network facilitator who procures weapons for future attacks in the province.

Following several leads, the security force searched for the leader at a compound in the district. While searching the area, the force identified several men they believed had ties to the Haqqani network. After interviews with residents, the men were detained.

In Khost province, a combined Afghan and coalition security force captured a Haqqani network facilitator and several suspected insurgents during a nighttime security operation in Khost district, yesterday. The facilitator provided supplies, weapons, suicide vests and roadside bombs from Pakistan to senior Haqqani leaders.

The Afghan-led security force was able to locate the facilitator at a compound in the district based on intelligence reports. Afghan members of the force searched the compound, resulting in the facilitator detention. Additionally, with the help of residents, the force was able to identify his associates, who were also detained for further questioning.