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06-10-2011, 10:53 PM
I tried to stay 'on topic' with the Nazi Submarine post:


My bad. I apologize for talking about Nazis on a post about Nazis, titled 'Nazi Submarines.'

Since I can't post on the main page, I thought I could talk about it in the Forums.

I notice that comments are critiqued for containing "off topic" or political materials by our Mods. And warnings are sent or comments deleted.

Bear with me, please because I believe this is a hot issue...a lot of people talking about this...
Politics are everywhere, especially war. War is politics in it's cruelest form, so how can politics be ignored on a mostly military website? A lot of us are baffled.

This thread has to do with the second concern.
I saw relevance when I commented about the re-birth of muslim Nazis in real time, being organized and strengthening as I type this, on a post about Nazi submarines, titled 'Nazi Submarines.'

It's all perspective. I thought I was 'on topic' and eris thought I was 'off topic.'

Here's her comment, with particular regard to her last sentence:
"im sorry but i have to laugh right now.

you all really have no idea how comical "muslim nazis" sounds....

are they related to surf nazis?
or space pirates?

I bet their leader is the soup nazi isnt he?

better put your tin foil hats on folks....

{this is not a political post its a video about submarines}

See? I saw it as a post about WW2 and war, to me, is political.
I also thought the subject matter was Nazi Submarines, and not simply 'submarines.'

So, what should we do about this AC?
I think we all could come up with a solution.

Regards, Angusnra

06-10-2011, 11:08 PM
now im sure this thread will get locked and/or deleted but i agree with you angus. im 16 and know about past and present muslim nazis and i dont think your post was irrelevant at all

06-10-2011, 11:25 PM
Yup..... your bad indeed. Just accept your infraction and move on and quit trying to act like this is the only reason you are in TO and will most likely not be coming back.

And that's on the word of Stark not myself.

You can play the innocent part all you want. You can dish it out but you can't take it when someone ridicules you or ideas you believe in.

So u and all can isolate this incident and try and make it all about how mean old Eris is on the rag and just a neverhasbeen and doesn't like you....or whatever lame comment you wanna make but you had problems and TO for the same shit long before I got here and noticed it....

And weather they are real or not muslim nazis make me laff. Still.

Just get over it and move on because your not gonna change anything by trying to talk your way out of it or having your 6 loyal following sheep back you up.

All your going to do is piss off more ppl who are in charge of making decisions.

06-10-2011, 11:41 PM
now im sure this thread will get locked and/or deleted but i agree with you angus. im 16 and know about past and present muslim nazis and i dont think your post was irrelevant at all

DD.. this is not the reason angus is in the naughty chair.. just so its clear
angus bro.. i'm a fan.. BUT..
you O someone an apology... (he was only doing his job.. and that 'call' can't have been an easy one)

06-10-2011, 11:45 PM
This is the advice I got from a Mod:

angus, i gave the go ahead for the time out, lack of respect to the staff won't get you very far, political bullshit comments coming out of nowhere is not wanted on the frontpage, sure you can fire away on the forums with you're debate (that's all it is a debate) .... but to come out with a load of crap on topic's which are not much related to what you're saying is not necessary is it?

We could also add this to the debate. One Moderator says to use the forums and the other (read above)...it's conflicting, and I think there is a need to fix it as well.

As a member, that's what I thought the forums were for, also.

For example, I was told I had "numerous" warnings on rule violations. Actually I had one. It was from Sixx regarding the religion rule, so I heeded (as far as I know).
Instead of using the religious term, "islam," we have switched to using cultural terms like "muslim" etc.
For the life of me, I can not recall ANY other rule violation.
I was warned. I made corrections.

06-10-2011, 11:47 PM
DD.. this is not the reason angus is in the naughty chair.. just so its clear
angus bro.. i'm a fan.. BUT..
you O someone an apology... (he was only doing his job.. and that 'call' can't have been an easy one)

What are you talking about ?

Also, why am I in the naughty chair? Do tell, sir.

06-11-2011, 12:00 AM
Just stop while you are ahead dude.

You cant put it off on other people. And targeting mods, especially Scott.... will get you nowhere.... except permabanned.

And perhaps your other warnings were from the "certain moderator" you dont even open PMS from. Or do you not remember saying that?

You think you can pick and choose who you listen to? You think you run the show? Well the only way your doing that is if you want to pay the 700$ a month yourself to keep the server up and running.

No ones saying you cant debate in here. But your not debating muslim nazis are you? Your debating the decision a mod made to TO you for a comment he felt was FAR out of line. And that therein lies your problem. Oh not to mention your still trying to act like you dont have to pay attention to "certain mods" as well....

(see above)

06-11-2011, 12:03 AM
What are you talking about ?

Also, why am I in the naughty chair? Do tell, sir.

i personally believe it was this comment... 'Somebody got their panties in a wad

i did try warning you to be careful bro..

06-11-2011, 12:09 AM
..I notice that comments are critiqued for containing "off topic" or political materials by our Mods. And warnings are sent or comments deleted.
A lot of us are baffled.

Let me just touch on the first point. Off-topic. Forum and front page comments are obviously monitored for many reasons, off-topic comments are disruptive, unproductive and unwanted to say the least.
Many examples of this have been brought to the mod teams attention of late...you of all people Angus, a site ambassador, would accept that members of the community (mods included) want to be able to enjoy the site without dealing with an overload of the above mentioned. Whether it be spam, religious, politically driven or off-topic comments....it's all creating an unnecessary load on the community as a whole.
Here's an example of off-topic, with the comments of that poster included for reference.

"This is a cool GIF explosion. Not relevant to this post, but it's cool as shit. I had to put it somewhere:"

An accumulation of unwanted behaviour generally leads to a certain course of reprimand, as is the way in any community.
Obviously the moderators of this site work to within the guidelines provided by Stark. Stark always has the final say.

06-11-2011, 12:24 AM
Don't play innocent. We've been over this with you. Your ass is in the naughty chair because you don't listen. I don't know how many times the mods have told you to stop the Islam/Muslim talk and you never do.

I'm going to be honest with you about this because I've had enough of the horse shit. Do you know why we keep losing donators, money hosts, and memberships? Because you and your clique have ruined this site. You come on here, troll about Islam/Muslims or some other bullshit that your peanut brain has you perplexed by, and you ruin the comments. Eris worked her ass off to get AC international recognition and because of you and your fuck buddy posse, the site lost potential ad revenue. This is ApacheCLIPS.com, not Apacherantsaboutdumbshit.com. You simple minded retards are too fucking stupid to grasp the concept of another point of view of the world and you have cost AC dearly for it

I swear to Christ, if I see one more passive aggressive mod bashing/Islam bashing post out of you, I will TO your ass for a full month. So shut up, be a good little boy, and watch the videos on the front page.

06-11-2011, 11:47 AM
Let me just touch on the first point. Off-topic. Forum and front page comments are obviously monitored for many reasons, off-topic comments are disruptive, unproductive and unwanted to say the least. Many examples of this have been brought to the mod teams attention of late...you of all people Angus, a site ambassador, would accept that members of the community (mods included) want to be able to enjoy the site without dealing with an overload of the above mentioned. Whether it be spam, religious, politically driven or off-topic comments....it's all creating an unnecessary load on the community as a whole.
Here's an example of off-topic, with the comments of that poster included for reference.

"This is a cool GIF explosion. Not relevant to this post, but it's cool as shit. I had to put it somewhere:"

Come on guys I see video's and posts who have absolutely nothing to do with military content on the frontpage and an animated gif explosion(which btw is awsome) is an issue?

I'm going to be honest with you about this because I've had enough of the horse shit. Do you know why we keep losing donators, money hosts, and memberships? Because you and your clique have ruined this site. You come on here, troll about Islam/Muslims or some other bullshit that your peanut brain has you perplexed by, and you ruin the comments. Eris worked her ass off to get AC international recognition and because of you and your fuck buddy posse, the site lost potential ad revenue. This is ApacheCLIPS.com, not Apacherantsaboutdumbshit.com. You simple minded retards are too fucking stupid to grasp the concept of another point of view of the world and you have cost AC dearly for it

I swear to Christ, if I see one more passive aggressive mod bashing/Islam bashing post out of you, I will TO your ass for a full month. So shut up, be a good little boy, and watch the videos on the front page.

So people that agree with Angusnra's views are his "fuck buddy posse" and "simple minded retards". Those are degrading comments and not moderator worthy. You have a different view but should respect other peoples opinion.
That those opinions/views are not allowed on this site is a different matter.

Can you explain me why "radical" views on let's say Liveleak are allowed and are in no way bringing that site down? Apacheclips has been ratted out by a "muslim friend" or a disgruntled member on the "moneyhost" issue. Also not having a reliable/changing moneyhost can lead to less donations. Therefore it is easy to blame it all on Angusnra and other critical members. AC supposed to be "neutral" and should not be held accountable for members opinions/posts.

06-11-2011, 12:01 PM
So people that agree with Angusnra's views are his "fuck buddy posse" and "simple minded retards". Those are degrading comments and not moderator worthy. You have a different view but should respect other peoples opinion.
That those opinions/views are not allowed on this site is a different matter.

I don't give a shit about you or anyone else's opinion. Being on this site isn't a right, it's a privilege. Look at AC as a totalitarian dictatorship.

Can you explain me why "radical" views on let's say Liveleak are allowed and are in no way bringing that site down? Apacheclips has been ratted out by a "muslim friend" or a disgruntled member on the "moneyhost" issue. Also not having a reliable/changing moneyhost can lead to less donations. Therefore it is easy to blame it all on Angusnra and other critical members. AC supposed to be "neutral" and should not be held accountable for members opinions/posts.

Because Liveleak probably owns their own servers. Stark has to rent a server to host AC on. Meaning he has to pay a server bill every month to keep AC going. Like it or not, the facts are facts. Eris lost an important client that could have helped AC dearly. The user comment were 95% of the reason why it failed.

06-11-2011, 12:03 PM
Come on guys I see video's and posts who have absolutely nothing to do with military content on the frontpage and an animated gif explosion(which btw is awsome) is an issue?

I see them too. I delete them because they are off-topic, simple as that. That's the role of a moderator.

If they are directly related to the original post and not looking to derail, then that's fine. Is that so hard to comprehend?

I provided one as an example. Not saying it's not an awesome .gif but i am saying that it's unrelated to the OP and therefore off-topic.

If you see things as you say that "have absolutely nothing to do with military content on the frontpage" then please notify a staff member.

06-11-2011, 12:05 PM
No. We can't explain why LL has a merchant account and we don't. Maybe you'd like to try and solve the problem for us.

Do you think we are making it up? Do you think things are always fair and just because so and so has this and that then it should be that way everywhere?

Trust and believe noone is blaming everything on Angus. He is merely a thorn that's been in the side of AC for a long time and examples cited are only a few. And only because its been made an issue of.

Thanks for your input and if you think you have any solutions let us know because I'm sure if it was as easy as saying to nerchants "but Live Leak has an account why can't we" the issue would be solved. But guess what? He would still be in TO because he refuses to respect anyone in a position of authority here and the admin have had enough of it.

06-11-2011, 12:58 PM
now im sure this thread will get locked and/or deleted but i agree with you angus. im 16 and know about past and present muslim nazis and i dont think your post was irrelevant at all

Good for you, and what make's you thin kthis thread will be deleted or locked? you really think so low of our Team here?

We encourage member's to post and debate on the forum's but leave it off the frontpage, especially when it's off-topic/ irrelevant.

DarkSmurf that is you're opinion i respect it but that is not true, if a post is off-topic it simpyl gets edited out and a member sent a PM/Advice, Angus has had plenty of Advice (which is just like a warning) whether he listens to that advice or not is upto him, obviously he did not, there we're many reports and comments that took the biscuit, so i made the decision myself for him to be in timeout, he will stay in TimeOut for the FULL 2 weeks.

I must also mention i stick by my decision as he has no respect for the staff and his behavior is childish, his post to do with the TO Proved that clearly, he is a little problem on AC but nothing we can handle, we have better things to be doing here then playing game's with them or being polite all the time when they know full damm well what they are doing.

if any member is off topic or media then report it, we're deal with it, maybe it won't be lightning quick which people don;'t appreciate but hey we get the job done in our "Spare Time"

There are alot of facts and deciders as to why things went the way they did, we are focusing on improving AC and policing the website, as of now we have bigger problems to worry about, TO is for 2 weeks it stays, so that's the last i want to hear about it.


06-11-2011, 02:12 PM
I don't give a shit about you or anyone else's opinion. Being on this site isn't a right, it's a privilege. Look at AC as a totalitarian dictatorship.

Do you think a dictatorship will bring AC more members and donations? We all know what happens to dictators. Just because you are having a bad day doesn't mean you should talk like that to other people.

Because Liveleak probably owns their own servers. Stark has to rent a server to host AC on. Meaning he has to pay a server bill every month to keep AC going. Like it or not, the facts are facts. Eris lost an important client that could have helped AC dearly. The user comment were 95% of the reason why it failed.

So one comment and the client didn't want to help AC? That is highly unlikely. Ever thought of him maybe not wanting to help after all and found an easy excuse?

I see them too. I delete them because they are off-topic, simple as that. That's the role of a moderator. That's a good thing, but how can it be that some posts are allowed and later deleted?

If they are directly related to the original post and not looking to derail, then that's fine. Is that so hard to comprehend? I provided one as an example. Not saying it's not an awesome .gif but i am saying that it's unrelated to the OP and therefore off-topic. If you see things as you say that "have absolutely nothing to do with military content on the frontpage" then please notify a staff member.

I know it was off-topic and probably shouldn't be there. But there are worse things.

No. We can't explain why LL has a merchant account and we don't. Maybe you'd like to try and solve the problem for us. Do you think we are making it up?

Do you think things are always fair and just because so and so has this and that then it should be that way everywhere?

Trust and believe noone is blaming everything on Angus. He is merely a thorn that's been in the side of AC for a long time and examples cited are only a few. And only because its been made an issue of.

Thanks for your input and if you think you have any solutions let us know because I'm sure if it was as easy as saying to nerchants "but Live Leak has an account why can't we" the issue would be solved. But guess what? He would still be in TO because he refuses to respect anyone in a position of authority here and the admin have had enough of it.

I appreciate all the hard work that is put in this site. And no, I don't think it is easy but I do think it is possible. If you don't mind me asking, in howmany countries did AC try to get an account and what is the problem with doing it on a private bankaccount?

@ Eris, if this is not blaming then what is:

Do you know why we keep losing donators, money hosts, and memberships? Because you and your clique have ruined this site. Eris worked her ass off to get AC international recognition and because of you and your fuck buddy posse, the site lost potential ad revenue.

@ Scott & Benda, all media is reviewed before it either is validated or rejected correct?

Here are 2 very recent posts, still on the site and have absolutely nothing to do with military content:



No offense to the posters.

And, did I in my previous post plead to get Angusnra out of time out? No, I did not.

06-11-2011, 02:17 PM
Hey Toke, why is it such a crime to you for members to constructively criticize on an open forum?
When you cuss out the subjects you wish to rule, they in turn become unmanageable.
I don't think you're Mod-material either. I never got a message or warning from you in the years that I've been here, contributing and donating.

In fact, I think I got 3 messages from moderators.

One was from Eris telling me not to embed dead animals because she loves animals.
The other was from Sixx telling me to veer away from religious comments, per the rules.
The third was from Serpa telling me not to talk politics, which I don't understand fully because war in itself is political. How can it not be? If this were the case, there would be no comments.

So I veered away from mentioning islam or any other religion. I use the term muslim. Muslim is not a religion, which is why most members on most posts use the term 'muslim.'

Sixx warned me. I obeyed.

So, why am I in T.O.?

I know why now.

All of this mess is over a comment I made when I said something about deleting a message from Eris.

When the message is about animal "rights" and not in violation of the rules, I thought it was silly, so I deleted it.
Sixx's warning was relevant and I complied.

So, Toke...am I going to take another pounding from you for trying to explain myself on a forum?

Also, I got a lot of emails and messages from members about "off-topic" comments on posts.
We were unaware until recently about this new rule and we think it should be added as rule 5 to avoid future confusion:

1: No derogatory comments about any religion (critical comments are welcome, the tone plays the music) - Penalty is 4 days Suspension/Timeout. 2: No baseless attacks
3: No LINKING or POSTING of pornographic material
4: No obvious trolling
5: ?

Thanks, Toke and the rest for listening.

06-11-2011, 02:26 PM
Hey I respect everyones input but I sure as shit dont appreciate being being called a sheep or accused of fucking up this site.

I have paid donations to Stark and all I have done in a year is upload 750 post. I do what I feel is good for the site. I have helped many members understand how to link, embed or how to copy video to then upload.

The issue I think I have is it appears to me that the common belief from the mods is not just Angus is a problem for AC but a large group of American military/civilian members.

Eris and Toki both commented in general about this and talk about this group as I assume I am being included in.

Joe made a good comment yesterday to Eris about if you are mad at the military members and get them to leave the site you really have destroyed the site. No more insight from not just men with military backgrounds but they are daily active members that dont come and go or show up from one month to months later at times.

It is important note that the group that is being accused is the group that seems to have agreement from the majority.

Now to the effect of anti muslim bashing. Lets say that no one ever types the words islam, muslim, imam, jihadist, mullah ever again on AC.

We must not post about terrorism then as well as it is related to islam and perpatrated by muslims.

I am sorry if there are people who are muslim and that dont read the quran to know what their own religion speaks about but forget anyone here on AC opinions look at men that are in power within the US right now that believe the same thing. LTC Allen West is posted on this site his feelings exactly as those you are slamming.

That man is a hero and knows more about theology and terrorism than anyone here I would feel comfortable saying.

Finally and likely to be followed up is dont talk about how this guy and this guy need to learn respect and how to be adult when you have two mods on here insulting and name calling that is very telling in that they are acting on personal feelings and not in the best interest of AC.

This is all my opinion and if we are adults we should be able to speak and listen and deal with it and move on.

I really dislike being called names its something that indicates to me that person is a coward as they wouldn't do that if they were in front of me.

06-11-2011, 02:30 PM
Of course I respect the team here. Otherwise I wouldn't be trying to communicate and work this out.

Like I said, I received 3 messages to my knowledge from Mods which I just explained.

I don't know what else to say. If I'm in violation of something, please tell me what it is so that I can resume my Time Out. The T.O. is acceptable to me if I knew what it was for.

Surely you can understand that...I hope.
Just tell me.


06-11-2011, 02:32 PM
Haha.... Angus you are not in TO because of me or anything related to me or things Ive personally said to you sweetie.

Continue on with your debate felllas. Its not gonna change anything. Oh and FYI Stark said your ambassador badge will be removed when (IF) your allowed back. Just thought you'd like something else to be indignant about.


oooh PS,
Thought Id edit this just to let you know that the only thing I had to do with your TO (besides being sick of your attitude to Sixx Stark and Scott and myself) was..... I was the one who actually pushed the button that said "set time out". But that was only because Scott did not have access to the moderators panel at that moment when he wanted it done. Thought you'd like to know that too so you can blame some more stuff on me as well.

06-11-2011, 02:42 PM
Please explain your accusation of me refusing to respect anyone of authority around here?

Is "anyone of authority" pertaining to the one and only message from you to me about not embedding a picture of a dead wolf on a post because you love animals?

Is there anyone else, any mods, members who recall me not 'respecting authority?'

Please relay so that I may resume my punishment.

Thank you.

06-11-2011, 02:52 PM
@ DarkSmurf

Stark is the owner of this site and controls the purse strings. Therefore he can only apply in the country he is in. I did offer to open a US account for him if he needs it, and that still might happen...Like I said, he is extremely busy trying to work it out so you all have a place to come and complain and bitch over things. But like I said, if you have suggestions PM him. If its something he hasnt tried believe me he will try it.

I take no responsibility for what Toki says. Hes a big boy and can speak his mind as much as he wants, just like you all want to do..... and there were open moderator positions that any one of you could of applied for. But as far as our discussions on why we have so many problems getting a merchant account we dont blame Angus. We only use him as an example. There are a few non regulars that say much worse things than he does. And they are dealt with as well.

And Id like to say one more thing
...this is from Starks words....
It doesnt matter how much you donate or contribute....it doesnt give you the right to be an asshole.

06-11-2011, 03:04 PM
Ang you started this thread Unwritten rules you where told time and time again to keep politics and religion out of your comments and that if you wanted to debate it in the forums and there are no unwritten rules you violated them time and time again. You got warned time and time again from not just me, but other staff So please resume your Time out and thats it I have been reading all your comments and the one that got me is about rule 5 What rule 5 there is none
Here at AC everyone follows the rules that means you follow them to!!! You are a Vet right ever do time in the brig I was in 6 yrs and did some and alot of my platoon for disorderly Just do the time!! and for all of you lawyers for him stop all you do is making things worst

06-11-2011, 03:09 PM
Im not playing games anymore with you Angus. You act like you dont have to listen to people. Stark makes an announcement on the front page saying to cool off on the religious stuff and every post you make is taunting of that in some word play or "sarcastic" comment. You push limits. That may have gotten something accomplished in your real life but here it accomplishes nothing. Its disrespectful to STARK because its his site and hes trying his best to keep it cool and open but its still not good enough for you. Can you understand that? Is it really that hard or are you just upset that we finally have had enough of it?

Im not going back looking through threads and quoting things and posting links. Accept your demotion. Its supported by the whole of the staff and admin. Has nothing to do with me or animals or panties or rules. It has to do with your ACCUMULATIVE and REPETITIVE disrespectful attitude. You think you wouldnt be in TO sooner if it was for just breaking one rule or just because one of us "didnt like you"? Please dude, give me a break. If you dont know what Im talking about still just go back and read your "did I hurt someones feelings" thread. Dont like the way Toki spoke to you? Well maybe he is fed up and lost his temper with you. It is what it is. None of us moderators or admins are going anywhere. But if you cant step back and examine your own behavior and take responsibility for it and respect the law of the land then you might as well just consider yourself banned now. Cuz the longer you try and debate your innocence; the more it looks like when your allowed back you'll just play the same games over and over. And frankly Im sick of hearing about you.

Id rather be taking this time commending the members that somehow seem to post good content...hate terrorism...love their countries and respect themselves and others enough not to be a constant problem here. Theres literally 100's of them that somehow manage to do this without the problems you have.

Maybe you need to get outside and go shoot something.
I know I do.

06-11-2011, 03:53 PM
Ok i will be posting for the last time in this thread and we keep it at that as things are getting heated up here

DarkSmurf - why are these uploads on this website?, from time to time we allow some posts onto the page, maybe once or twice a month we will do this, just for the regulars to watch something else if they wish to..... This could be the case this time but by all means report all the off topic posts, i personally go over the reported media que, i cleared out over 1 thousand 3 months ago.

Angus - you must understand as staff we see things alot different from the user's on the page, not to mention text type can be interpreted in many different ways, when you put a comment up in the media section to you it could be a really good joke and abit of fun, but to us and other's it could be a really rude or very off topic post. I have to deal with this not only on this website but many other's, it only make's things harder for us, everything we do is for the greater good of AC otherwise i would not question myself or the team as to why we are here giving up our spare time.

We always have protocol when we deal with member's A warning first, then Timeout if the member fails to follow the staff's instructions, in some cases a staff member will give Advise to the member rather then a warning (that's upto them) , as far as im concerned you got advice and a warning, not only by Private Message but in the public comment section.

As for what Toke has said, he has he's own mind, we all have reasons for saying what we do, whether the truth hurts or not you have to deal with it.

Our rule's we're very strict months ago and we have loosened up on them, ofcourse they may seem to vague for members :) , we take member's Idea's and criticism very seriously within AC.

We have alot of Job's to do on a daily basis our biggest fight to date is with the Trolls and Bots we encounter....a small percentage is member's who make smart comments these "smart comments" are on the borderline of our rule's and are pushing the limits, we take this all very seriously and come down very hard on all of this.

Once we have finished our daily Duties, we like to push the power button and make this all go away and chill out with family and friends.

Have a Good day.

06-11-2011, 03:57 PM
I already been shooting today. I got back hours ago.

I have never disrespected Stark. I'm hard-lined and to the point on certain subjects. My humor is sometimes dark, but meant to be funny. I never felt that your message to me was a warning.
Looking back, I see why you were offended and honestly, I forgot I even wrote it. I got an Email 2 minutes ago from an AC member. I've never used the Shout Box and I've been oblivious to some things it looks like. I wish I knew...
You're an elephant...you never forgot and I was amiss to the fact. Now I think I know what Wanny was talking about. I owe you an apology.
With all sincerity, I apologize.

If I could read minds, I would know what offends and what doesn't, but I can't. I simply try to abide by the rules. When I slipped up, Sixx was kind enough to let me know.
I'm trying, but I'm a high-strung Jarhead until I die. This is the first site I've ever been actively involved in and I had to learn the roles of site staffs as I went.

Stark has my utmost respect and I respect the site and the staff. Nobody said anything, yet everyone but me seemed to know.
Like I said, I got 3 messages. One was a rule violation. I thought I had corrected it. No other messages were sent to me. I thought I was in compliance and going along with crowd.

For my own interests and not to offend, I would love to know what "ACCUMULATIVE and REPETITIVE disrespectful" things I've done.

You have unlimited access to things around here...I would be much obliged if you could be more specific.

Thank you again

06-11-2011, 04:00 PM
I got an Email about 5 minutes ago. I know where and when I erred. I'll shut up now. I know that I offended Eris and I hope she accepts my apology.

I think we're good now. I'm going back to my high chair now.

Angus out

06-11-2011, 04:25 PM
Noone is going to go back and collect all the examples of times youve pushed the limits and questioned STARKS rules. Not really sure what Email your talking about but it wasnt from a staff member ....and trust and believe you arent in TO for offending ME.

Cuz you dont offend me. You just irritate the shit out of me. Like extra paperwork on a friday. And the only thing that makes me think you might have been a Marine is the amount of bitching and complaining you do. (And true old salts will get that joke.)

I wish I had as much power as you guys seem to think I have around here. I validate media, I shoot the shit in chat, I solicit ad space to military related businesses because I have constant access to them. Thats about it. I am a relative newb. I got into it w JP over his GF tits cuz I was trying to follow the rules that were stated on the page "no nudity". I acquiesced to the people who have been here longer than I even tho your replies were rude and mean. If I was gonna do anything to anyone out of being offended it wouldda been him, but I think he and I are cool now.

So to think that any of your problems have to do with lil old me.... is quite flattering. If you wish to make me your queen I accept.

06-11-2011, 05:18 PM
I will start a new thread if asked by a mod but I think the trouble with AC needs to be a more open and discussed item.

First there is from Sixx, Eris, Toki, and possibly more that feel AC recent post or uploads are not what they used to be.

That I take offense with as there is military content of all varieties still getting posted daily here.

The site appears to have started in 2008 if I am wrong let me know. The point I will make is that early in this sites first few years all the accumulated video and media out on the net is going to be deluged from the beginning until now. As time passes all that media has been posted and now there is only new content that must surface to then be discovered then posted by someone who searches the net with intention to post here at AC....one of those people is me.

I cant go back to 2008 and upload some of the best content on this site because it time has passed.

There are guys like Atrox and HBK who are still posting and they still find great content. To say this site is going to the shitter is insulting and in my OPINION way fucking off base.

Of course there are others than Atrox and HBK that are finding great content but I mention them because they have a long history of posting and are still here posting now today.

They must feel really encouraged to continue to spend their own free time looking for content only to here mods complain about how shitty the content is these day.

Please explain your opinions as i think even though we are not mods or admin we are uploaders and faithful members that spend alot of time here at this site and it needs to be discussed.

Eris you deleted in my opinion a very good post for reason I stated some factual observations about the post one of them just the statement that they shouted allah ackbar before being shot. There was no harmful comment other than a true statement. I respect Markoxx for reposting it back up even after the comments were removed and so forth.

In this instance I feel like there is more created turmoil going on than what really exist.

The truth is the one person that ruined it for us with the recent merchant account isnt being punished or even mentioned in all of this debate. The person that fucked up things is sitting somewhere happy they fucked with the site and put it at risk. While we are all here bitching at each other because we all care about this site and dont want the site to fail.

I have paid donations I have tried to ad my two cents to the threads that ask for input on how to fix the donation issue. I want AC to succeed. Shit I have trolled CNN and Youtube and probably a few other sites mentioning apacheclips.com in my comment just to get some exposure from those large audiences. I am sure that someone saw the apacheclips address and checked it out so I am sure I have brought at least a handful of members here from that.

Again why are the people who are devoted to this site so down on it lately and instead of blaming everyone about why there is a donation issue again for the third or fourth time this past year lets get it solved and then no more issues with it.

My suggestion is this time to buy dedicated AC servers that Stark owns all by himself. No more need to be a slave to these pay sites or merchant sites. Fuck them and fuck the shitty members or visitors that want to bring this site down.

I personally will donate money to Stark knowing that he is buying his own servers and fixing this problem once and for all. If everyone on this site gives 5 or 10 dollars to buy servers then we should have a fucking massive server collection in a tricked out bomb shelter so that if China decides to use nukes instead of spammers they still fucking will lose this battle.

Now lets stop name calling and crying and picking our noses and being all pissed off about shit and do this.

Lets start a list of who will help pay for Stark to buy his own servers and fucking fix this for good.

Starks new server fund:
Committed to donating money:

1. Eaglethebeagle---I pledge to donated and make this site indestructible.

06-11-2011, 05:54 PM
"I feel like there is more created turmoil going on than what really exist."

I couldnt agree more! I havent seen the Issues that has put a certain someone in TO.....Just my 2 cents, which is worth about as much. But, I do think some bantor amoung members and mods alike is healthy and interesting. When did we become so PC? That is one of the things that draws me to this site. Shit, thats 3 cents! Sorry.

06-11-2011, 06:02 PM
Listen Eagle.......

WE have all tried real hard to be patient with you. Quit beating a dead horse before someone embarrasses you.... And keep my name out of your mouth from now on. All you ever do is cry about stuff. For real. Waaaah Eris doesnt like me...Waaah this isnt fair...whaa why was my post not approved ...... jesus christ. Who do you think approves all your lame girls w guns pics? (which btw single pics make up the majority of your posts) Not Sixx, Not Toki, Not even Markoxx or Stark.

Quit trying to blame everything on me or trying to say people are against you and parroting what others can say for themselves if they choose. You are not helping right now. All your doing is being more unwanted paperwork.

And again....like Stark said
no matter if you donate....it doesnt give you the right to be an asshole.

Make a different thread about a different Topic please....move on.... Anyone who thinks the site has gone to shit is free to fuckin leave and dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

06-11-2011, 07:13 PM
Listen Eagle.......

WE have all tried real hard to be patient with you. Quit beating a dead horse before someone embarrasses you.... And keep my name out of your mouth from now on. All you ever do is cry about stuff. For real. Waaaah Eris doesnt like me...Waaah this isnt fair...whaa why was my post not approved ...... jesus christ. Who do you think approves all your lame girls w guns pics? (which btw single pics make up the majority of your posts) Not Sixx, Not Toki, Not even Markoxx or Stark.

Quit trying to blame everything on me or trying to say people are against you and parroting what others can say for themselves if they choose. You are not helping right now. All your doing is being more unwanted paperwork.

And again....like Stark said
no matter if you donate....it doesnt give you the right to be an asshole.

Make a different thread about a different Topic please....move on.... Anyone who thinks the site has gone to shit is free to fuckin leave and dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

very well done you again show what I am talking about. I just posted about paying for personal AC servers and you want to bitch at me and prop yourself up. Great Eris you approved girl with gun post of mine. The fact that you make it sound like they are lame post shows how little in touch you are with this site truely.

Look who started a the girl n gun thread back here in the forum section.....Stark himself did that. and He has posted girl and gun post on the front page too just like many other MEN on this site. You really are showing your true self in your comments here.

I just followed what I found when I came to this site a year ago. I am not some rebel uploader who tries to post only girls with guns.

Stark has featured my post as well as others possibly you too. Why are you so full of rage and hate when I just posted a comment asking about why we dont just help buy a dedicated personal server for Stark?

You dont even focus on the attempt to find a solution you enjoy being able to talk shit to men here you dont like and know that as a mod you are untouchable from a discipline stand point. I have not insulted you ever other than the presumed fun shitting around banter that goes on between men and women in an adult way in every other place in the world except here apparently.

You just discounted my uploads and say they are mostly single pictures. Well my lovely there are literally thousands of post like that on this site. Your unappreciative remarks of any of my contributions is so very telling of what kind of person you are.

I know you never have served in the military that attitude would have been adjusted day one guaranteed.

My feeling is truly right now the mods and possibly Stark who I havnt heard from yet are wanting many of us to go.

I saw Joelee on the chat a few weeks back and saw Eris insult him about his pest control uniform and that was when I began to see what was inevitably happening and so the insanity must stop.

Joelee has never got into any bullshit with anyone that I have ever seen and certainly not with eris. Yet she still takes aim at him and gives him not respect as a Navy vet who served the country she lives in and enjoys her freedoms in.

I have not said half the shit I wanted to towards some mods because of the respect that they can just delete me if they so feel like it. So in the end if they control this site and the site fails it their doing. I will say that Scott, Mark, Serpa, Recurve, Stark, benda, and who ever I left out I never have had the feeling that I get from eris or toke or sixx right now.

I know I dont matter as I am just a member and I can go away very easily. I wont be missed by anyone I never claimed I would be or care if i was or not. I do believe that once I am gone and possibly the others that are being told they are not wanted any longer that new members will become targets for blame.

You truly have no fact why your membership is sinking or donations are lacking other than to blame some of us. The only reason Stark cares about the muslim comments is to keep his merchant account open. So again respond to why we dont just pay for a private server and fix this issue. Please respond to that......

There is no way that this site has a significant muslim membership that would demand this kind of action.

So its more just personal and unwarranted.

I dont cry about shit I ask a question and then have let it go. I admit not all my post are 5 star or feature worthy but shit if you take away all content that isnt 5 star or feature worthy your site would be closed already. Content is the most important part of a media site.

People want to see related content and then they decide if they like it or not.

06-11-2011, 07:28 PM
I have NEVER insulted Joelee. Ask him.

Just shut up Beagle. For fucks sake. You're never happy with anything. Never.

And BTW Im on w Markoxx right now and he says to tell you shut up as well. Just because other mods havent opened their mouth to you doesnt mean anything. If you knew what actually went on behind the scenes you'd shut your big mouth about me. Noone says anything about you cuz theyd rather just give you a TO and be done with you....but I stupidly sit here and let you talk shit about me time and time again, only for you to PM other mods about me and how I "dont like you" and how they are in the "eris" club. But its cool....Go ahead and talk some more shit. You DO cry about shit and you DONT let it go other wise you of shut up by now.

Next time you want something approved we will just wait for someone else to do it and we'll see how far that gets you. Or I can just do as MArkoxx says, give you a TO and PM you after. Is that what you really want. You are CLUELESS and you dont know when to QUIT.

Ive so had enough of your bullshit. Dont speak for other people. Joelee is NOT afraid to say what he thinks... to me or anyone else. And it certainly isnt about me joking around about a TV show about an exterminator.

Dont post in here anymore. Go watch your kids grow up or do something productive and stop wasting peoples time with your personal grivances about me.

06-11-2011, 08:03 PM
@ Eris, why does Eaglethebeagle need to shut up? This forum is to debate and he is just doing it
in a correct manner.

He tries to come up with a solution to keep AC alive. He even wants to put money in and all you do
is degrade his posts and saying he is not helping where do you get that idea from?

06-11-2011, 08:10 PM
@ Eris, why does Eaglethebeagle need to shut up? This forum is to debate and he is just doing it
in a correct manner.

He tries to come up with a solution to keep AC alive. He even wants to put money in and all you do
is degrade his posts and saying he is not helping where do you get that idea from?

The owners and the other mods who want to give him a TO.

Do you understand now?

06-11-2011, 08:17 PM
stark.. i have never prayed to you before... i have no tongue for it
battle pleases you stark.. but this is getting silly
so grant me one request
grant me ..a thread closed
and if they do not listen.. then to T.O hell with them ;)

06-11-2011, 08:20 PM
stark.. i have never prayed to you before... i have no tongue for it
battle pleases you stark.. but this is getting silly
so grant me one request
grant me ..a thread closed
and if they do not listen.. then to T.O hell with them ;)

Thanks Wanny. Now noone can accuse us of "censorship"
*waves fairy wand in the air*


06-12-2011, 04:50 PM
@ DevilDog812
Why are you at this site if you are 16?
I'm pretty sure this is a 18+ website.......

I take this whole thread as an attempt to stir up unnecessary crap and I will not allow this to turn into a free-for-all against moderators.

DarkSmurf your points are irrelevant here. Why are you even attempting?

Eagle, you know better. The next one will not be a another time-out. We both know what you are trying to pull and it's not going to work. EVER.
So quit while you are ahead. Trust me on that one.

Angus, all I have to say is that you messed up and you'll have to take the hit, smile and press on. People have been banned for less around here. Accept it or get lost.
If you are concerned about your Ambassador's badge, you can apply for a Marine vet badge or work for the ambassador badge again.

A tip for everyone. If you get a time-out the best thing to do is accept it.....unless you truly feel it was unwarranted. Then you must use the proper channels to form a complaint...without any attitude.
Quite often, members will respond in some sort of buffoonery and it turns into a ban.
It's unnecessary....not for a time-out.

Talking trash and constantly messing with the staff will get you no where at all. We do things for a reason, not any one of us operates on our own agenda. The only people that do what thay want and when they feel like it is Stark and Markoxx.

Every time-out and ban is discussed prior to it happening and there has to be evidence of wrong doing present. The only time it's not discussed is when it comes directly from Stark and Markoxx.
We only do things that are necessary for this site. Some members don't see it that way, but that is OK though......it's not your problem.

Also the constant bringing the name "Eris" into this is getting old. Really.... It stops now, the ones doing it? You know who you are. She is not the problem, far from it.
It seems like every time someone gets into trouble around here they throw the name "Eris" out instead of looking at their own actions and behavior. Why is that? Someone provide me an explanation on that one?

You guys should be pissed at me, I will always lean hard and push when it comes to messing with AC and it's staff. It's the way it is and should be. Just like I am with you guys when the trolls come and mess around.

Everything done around here is by team effort, staff and members included.

Another thing, if you guys want to discuss/make certain political or religious topics....use the forum. Maybe we could also suggest a sub-forum where things are totally relaxed and anything goes.

06-12-2011, 07:02 PM
Well i said i wouldn't post but fuck it, i'll break my own rule.

Eris and Sixx well said, wanny you know i just love your comments :)

ok here goes, i'll be totally truthful and i'll start to open up now.

Firstly this thread is a debate, let's just call it "clear your chest" , this is exactly what is going on and the staff saying how it truly is.

You dont even focus on the attempt to find a solution you enjoy being able to talk shit to men here you dont like and know that as a mod you are untouchable from a discipline stand point. I have not insulted you ever other than the presumed fun shitting around banter that goes on between men and women in an adult way in every other place in the world except here apparently.
Eagle there's one thing you must understand, Eris says how it is, she is like Sixx, tell it how it is and be a brick wall, they are doing fantastic jobs on this website, unfortunatly the truth hurts sometime's for any member who is at the end of their sticks.

what you are saying is utter shit, none of the mods here don't have a digg at anyone they don't like, they know full well we don't accept that here as a staff member, none of us have personal grudges against any member, maybe members feel that way because of what we may say which is true and harsh telling things how it is?

Any member who get's on our nerves and posts smart off,irrelevant comments may get on our nerves(like ants in your pants) but we would never take it to a personal level.

My feeling is truly right now the mods and possibly Stark who I havnt heard from yet are wanting many of us to go. You come as you please, stay within the rule's and don't post smart ass comments like some member's here and you will be fine, member's posts comments which is borderline and are really pushing a reaction out of the staff, we have protocol which we strictly go by, but and i say this clearly BUT if a member is posting smart ass comments right on the borderline and knows full well what they are doing yes there will be consequences, we police this site with clear Instructions.

1. get rid of the trolls & trouble makers to make this place alot better
2. make sure member's are following our simply clear cut rules
3. make sure the comments are within our fine rule's which btw (we will be reviewing our rule's very soon once we have sorted the server out)

The list goes on.

You truly have no fact why your membership is sinking or donations are lacking other than to blame some of us. The only reason Stark cares about the muslim comments is to keep his merchant account open. So again respond to why we dont just pay for a private server and fix this issue. Please respond to that......yeah sure we blame some bad apples in the group, why? because of their idiotic comments which they could have kept to themselves, i have seen some pointless posts in my time and think why do they even bother posting here? , at the end of the day religion is a delicate thing to talk about, anyone can be easily offended and there's many religions out there, plenty of debate's and arguements to be had, we like to heavily control this whole muslim islam comments as it only leads to arguements and scares new guests/members off.

So its more just personal and unwarranted.as i have said we don't take anything personal to or against any member not unless they do something very extreme which make's it very personal, i doubt that will ever happen tho, we're a bunch of hard nails waiting to poke you guy's :)

People want to see related content and then they decide if they like it or not. True, but we would also like our uploader's to make there posts more beneficial, why upload one picture of a hot girl with a gun , when you can simply get a few pictures and put them together then upload them, that not only make's the website alot clearer without being logged with only pictures, but it make's your upload more valuable and conservative. (guaranteed to get more comments too)

whatever the staff do is within reason, we don't ever jump the gun and TO anyone out, infact it's quite rare here lately to do such a thing, we only do it once the member has stepped the line.

we have plenty of pre-discussions and debates ourselves when it involves a member, we advise eachother and talk before any action is taking, you guy's would be so surprised as to how much effort we put into all of this.

At the end of the day the Staff are here to make this a better place, we are at the front line of all this and we expect to get abuse from member's and them wacky emails sent to Stark which make's great frontpage news.

now i will say this once to every member who is reading, get in line respect the rule's/staff and you will get far on this site, you choose your own path not us.

06-13-2011, 02:04 PM
first of all i don't think angus's comments on submarine post were wrong, he was passing on a fact. i have seen dozen such comments over the last 3 yrs just like it with no action taken. politics and war are the same.
"War is merely the continuation of Policy by other means" (Carl von Clausewitz)

as for laying blame on angus and his fuck buddy posse for losing advertising and members. i have worked in advertising for over 20 yrs and i can tell you that no advertiser in their right mind would come to AC, not for the comments that are posted by the public but for some of the extreme videos of dismembered bodies, charred remains and showing mutilated corpes. that's why they don't come.

when i joined this site its very open to opinion and debate, tove said it, it's a dictatorship. well i cannot remain quiet anylonger.
i have said before that a mods job is to moderate, there are some mods who act professional and fair all the time, but there is a handfull who when they don't know how to verbally respond to a challenge of opinion they must always reply back with name calling, slurs and insults.

reading this thread baffles the shit out of me, we have long serving and respected members being spoken to as a second class citizens (step 1 to dictatorship) the mere mension of muslims gets you a warning.( step 2 to dictatorship) voicing your opinion and then being ridiculed for it (step 3) i think you get the hint.

the hypocrisy of a mod criticizing eagle about girls & guns uploads, personally i like. but a mod who insults because of these uploads but has themselves uploaded guys & guns..come on and to attack him for no reason other than trying to offer a solution for server issues? wtf is that about?

when stark started this site, im guessing now that he wanted an open place to share vid's and debate. well this is a dictatorship now when you have to muzzle yourself, be PC about selected words, religion or your general opinions.
it's time to re-evalulate on why you want to be here.

joelee said it best i think
"Ifind it interesting how some of you talk about how people with unpopular veiws are picked on, but how you react to someone who has a veiw that YOU find unappealing.
This site is turning into a schoolyard. Thats really a shame. A year ago this was a place I liked to come to to talk with fellow vets, with some people who haven't served mixed in. Now it seems like a bunch of wannabes, neverdids, and some vets mixed in.
I think it's time to take a break."

i consider angus a friend, i like his sense of humor and the way he posts comments. he makes me laugh
as for tokenvi's comments, looking at your profile explains everything

giving children power

06-13-2011, 02:34 PM
I will break this to you in the most polite way I can.

You do not know what you are talking about.
Don't go jumping into things blindly WITHOUT KNOWING THE DETAILS. Dictatorship? THIS IS A PRIVATELY OWNED WEBSITE...not a country.
We as in the Staff have the final say, ON EVERYTHING. Get it through your heads. If you don't like it....move on, there will be other members that will fill your shoes.
I do not want to see anyone gone, but if you cannot follow basic rules....then you are not worth the time and do not belong here.

I guess you did not read my above post..."as for tokenvi's comments, looking at your profile explains everything
giving children power"

How about you go read or ask how Angus addressed the Mods first...then you might be able to understand why Tokenvi responded the way he did.
We all follow the golden rule. We are not going to sit back and allow someone to behave and address us in that manner.
And now you want to jump on the bandwagon and throw insults too?

"This site is turning into a schoolyard. Thats really a shame. A year ago this was a place I liked to come to to talk with fellow vets, with some people who haven't served mixed in. Now it seems like a bunch of wannabes, neverdids, and some vets mixed in.
I think it's time to take a break."

Where is your vet badge? How come you do not have one?

Thanks for your opinion, but you have no clue on what this is about.
All you see is Angus in time-out, read a few comments and you thought you would jump on it and chime in....Without details, without facts

That makes you look like a clueless asshole.
Gather the facts before posting and understand why Angus is in time-out.

None of this is open for debate. Really,

Bottom line, listen to what the staff suggests or tells you to do. If you don't like what that mod had to say, agree anyway....and go up the chain of command. It's simple.

No need to try to play games or talk shit. It never ends well....for that member.

It's time to suck it up and press on.