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View Full Version : They Are Coming And You Should See Them

05-14-2011, 05:48 PM
World War II airplanes fly in to local airports and visit for a while every year.
Our airport is visited by B-24, B-17, B-25 bombers and usually a P-51 fighter.

For a few dollars, that they use to defer expenses (the 12 cylinder engine of a P-51 burns 100 gallons of gasoline an hour at maximum power. The bombers have more engines)
you can take an interior tour of the big planes and try to imagine being a waist gunner with nothing but an electrically heated suit and the oxygen system to protect you from temperatures of 30 degrees below zero during an eight hour mission over hostile airspace when you always had to be alert and were under attack at least some of the time.
For a bunch of dollars you can actually take a ride in one, a must for aviation nuts.

Please visit.
Please strike up a conversation with some of the old guys and find out a little about the real people who were there and find out a little about them and what they did.
They saved the world and came home to build the future we are living.

It's a cool way to spend a few hours on an early summer day. And you will be enriched by doing it.