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View Full Version : Guess Who Is Screwed in Midland Texas

04-26-2011, 10:23 PM
Apparently, all drilling, developing, building, grazing......
in fact any use of the land at all for anything at all has been brought to a screeching halt in and around Midland Texas.

By a 3" lizard.

Yes, friends, the environmentalists have found their next Spotted Owl in the form of the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard.

Here we go again.

04-27-2011, 03:44 AM
Down here we have the mythical Southern Bandicoot and the elusive orange bellied Parrot that put a hold on everything.

If you have a block of land that appears "undisturbed" then you are up for an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Study that will set you back 10 grand before you can do anything.

They look for evidence of Aboriginal activity. Since they didnt build anything other than bark lean to`s, theres nothing to find, never is and never will be. If your land is near water, you may find a pile of oyster shells. This is called an Aboriginal Midden and will be protected at all costs.

Kinda like someone coming across a pile of your old beer bottles in a thousand years time.

One recent case involved a near riot when Oyster shells were discovered in a back yard. Despite the owner claiming to have bought them for a party a month ago, all work stopped and in went the survey.

It was determined that the Oysters had been there for .......................about a month.

04-27-2011, 04:18 AM
Down here we have the mythical Southern Bandicoot and the elusive orange bellied Parrot that put a hold on everything.

Lol, too true mickk...and don't forget about the discovery of the 7 native frog species that at times, brought the development of the Sydney Olympic Park to a grinding halt back in the 90's. Conditions imposed upon the development by the NPSW included the ‘quarantining’ of the Brickpit from development impacts, creation of new frog habitats on lands outside the Brickpit, relocation of frogs from development sites, development of a frog management plan, and a monitoring and reporting regime.

04-27-2011, 08:45 AM
Whats wrong with saving lizards frogs owls and bandicoots?
I like them.
I donate 20$ a month to save Tasmanian devils, and Im not 100% certain they even exist ....fuck Id rather save animals a sandy place in the ground then save some ugly snot nosed kid in a foreign country from having to drink toilet water. I mean...why? so we can build more ugly ass tract houses or drill for more oil they wont charge me a fair price for anyway?

Im not down for PETA or any of those silly organizations w their own political agendas and Im not a tree hugging granola eater. I just happen to think humans suck for the most part and Id rather see them die than a lizard. Theres already enough humans...too many.

Oh well. I know Im in the minority but I dont care.


04-27-2011, 05:52 PM
Im not 100% certain they even exist

We still have a few left and there have apparently been recent sightings in California too..