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View Full Version : Who here still believe the US stands for everything right in the world

03-26-2009, 01:19 PM
I be quite honest here with you guys, I think it's fucking bullshit, I was once a die hard patriot but the shit i see in the news is fucking disgusting to no end.
Today we kill innocent people to gain more power (not that this is anything new).
I think we need to stop listen and learn, take a couple of steps back and have a fucking reality check.

I know I probably get flamed for this so fire away

03-26-2009, 01:21 PM

First welcome to AC, second yes you probably get flamed we have some very patriotic people on the AC.

However I can understand where you are coming from, but you need to be a little bit more objective and see what is really going on.

I still don't think any western government has any interest in killing innocent people.

Quite the opposite.

Edit: Way to go for the first post ;)

03-26-2009, 01:25 PM
I'm actually a lurker and wasn't going to post - but damnit it's people like you that are disgusting, and you need a serious reality check dude.

Quite being a fucking communist and see whats going on in the real world you fucking hippie

03-26-2009, 01:28 PM
Maybe you should take a step away from the television set champ. It seems the new fad in life is to be the righteous non-tough pussy that lets everyone walk over them.

You do have a right to your opinion and I can say you aren't any ex-patriot. The U.S. didn't fly into two towers and kill completely innocent people. While no nation is perfect some of the blame should probably go to the extremist fuck tards that choose to kill innocent people around the world.

Actually you should probably recheck your television set and make sure it plays ALL THE NEWS. It seems they skipped the madrid bombings, 911, mumbai taj mahal bombings, bali bombings, jordan bombings and how many more thwarted plots?

Fuck it, lets blame the U.S. for it all! Nobody else is responsible for any of the bad in the world, ONLY THE U.S.

03-26-2009, 02:25 PM
What do you honestly think happens in war? They're not just sitting around baking cupcakes... It's war. People are going to die. It doesn't matter if you're good, bad, or innocent. People are going to die. It's been that way since the beginning of time. There are many precautions that can be taken, but there is still that .01%. Murphy's Law; If it can go wrong, it will. Civilians are always going to die. You can take all the precautions in the world, but it will happen. Yes, it's unfortunate, but it does happen.

By the way, you might want to find some new sources too. Maybe something a bit more dependable than the mainstream media.

Now, to answer your question. Do I think that the US stands for everything right in the world? Yes, I do. Do our leaders stand for everything right in the world? Not always. We're not perfect. I think that the United States, and everything that it should stand for, has become more of an idea. But, I believe that our fighting men and women are the realization of that idea. America isn't perfect. We never have been, nor will we ever be. But we will always strive to be better, and in that sense, that is everything right, and it's worth fighting for.

03-26-2009, 04:39 PM
I be quite honest here with you guys, I think it's fucking bullshit, I was once a die hard patriot but the shit i see in the news is fucking disgusting to no end.
Today we kill innocent people to gain more power (not that this is anything new).
I think we need to stop listen and learn, take a couple of steps back and have a fucking reality check.

I know I probably get flamed for this so fire away

I could'nt help but laugh, i guess you've watched far to much tv, go on youtube and here, your see the US and other country's are not killing innocent people its bullshit and the Rules of Engagement is fucked up aswell.

03-26-2009, 05:12 PM
all i got to say is that if i was living in a combat zone any where in the world i would love to see, and i bet there are plenty of others out there, the u.s. armed services coming over the hill instead of the russian, chinese, or taliban forces. there is a level of professionalism and compassion (yes i said compassion) that our troops have. when was the last time you saw the taliban bring medical supplies and ice cream with them? might be a bad example of what i'm trying to say but i'm trying to be short and sweet....

ahhhh ice cream, what gunny don't like ice cream? :drillsergeant:

03-27-2009, 12:28 AM
all i got to say is that if i was living in a combat zone any where in the world i would love to see, and i bet there are plenty of others out there, the u.s. armed services coming over the hill instead of the russian, chinese, or taliban forces. there is a level of professionalism and compassion (yes i said compassion) that our troops have. when was the last time you saw the taliban bring medical supplies and ice cream with them? might be a bad example of what i'm trying to say but i'm trying to be short and sweet....

ahhhh ice cream, what gunny don't like ice cream? :drillsergeant:

Roger that.

04-18-2009, 07:47 AM
I be quite honest here with you guys, I think it's fucking bullshit, I was once a die hard patriot but the shit i see in the news is fucking disgusting to no end.
Today we kill innocent people to gain more power (not that this is anything new).
I think we need to stop listen and learn, take a couple of steps back and have a fucking reality check.

I know I probably get flamed for this so fire away

I have a question for you, who in this world has a government(or people) that does everything right? Can you give me that answer??

Take a look back in time and you will see that there has always been innocent / civilian people killed in wars, that don’t make it right, but you still have to see the whole picture.
I don’t believe any real soldier in this world, would like to kill an innocent person, but in the places we are fighting today, it’s hard not to mistake a civilian for a soldier/terrorist (example: in iraq or Afghanistan all you have to do, is take the gun or rpg away from the dead guy on the ground and you have a civilian) and there is nothing the NEWS would like better then if a civilian is killed in war, because they will have a new story to tell and sell.

Don’t believe everything you see or hear, and remember it’s so easy to point fingers at others mistakes.........

04-18-2009, 01:01 PM
Reality, People die in wars.
Its been like that for centuries and its never going to change.

04-18-2009, 05:25 PM
Dude....After all that verbal abuse you may want to turn off the Communist News Network (CNN), and dig around for the truth.

04-18-2009, 07:22 PM
I be quite honest here with you guys, I think it's fucking bullshit, I was once a die hard patriot but the shit i see in the news is fucking disgusting to no end.
Today we kill innocent people to gain more power (not that this is anything new).
I think we need to stop listen and learn, take a couple of steps back and have a fucking reality check.

I know I probably get flamed for this so fire away

You asked for it, so here it is.........PULL your head out of the News of CNN !!! If there is ever a News network that is so messed up... it is that one.Every now and again someone like yourself comes along with the twisted view of how America is so bad. It can easily be connected with the media that they have been hearing ( FROM THE LIBERALS ).....
Freedom isn't given ..... it is won by force, pushing back men who would like nothing more than to have you to be there slave... to there beckon call, to give them what they want and then discard you like unwanted food, when you no longer please them.
Lets for a moment, Take a look at the " TALIBAN LEADERSHIP ". It is no wonder that Afganistan is in peril. None of it's leaders are for the people, it's all about tribal ownership and a single person in charge (dictatorship).. They don't want the people to learn much because that will cause change. When the average person has little more than a first grade education. Grown men with child like mentallity equals control. But !!! when people begin to think outside of the leadership box, they are beheaded for insoboardination or expelled from there camp, or whatever punishment is given based on how the tribal leaders skin feels on that day...( mood ). Taliban leadership has gotten a formal education, and control is given because of the money that the good-ole boys have at the top of the ring, stemmed from other countries leaders who hate America, because America has a Democracy that threatens there " Lust for Dictatorship "...
Turning my focus towards you...... You sit behind a keyboard and type in all the misguided info about America and have no concrete answers for the crap you have been hearing & reading about.... The bottom line is..... that you sound like a child, calling for his Momma to fix him another egg for breakfast, instead of asking your Mother to show you how to cook the egg so that she can be about meeting the needs of the entire family.... Give me, give me, give me, instead of being someone to step in and fend for others and help keep America strong . So what if we at times have Presidents who have twisted agenda's.. does that give cause to sit down and loose sight of the greatest nation in the world??? The other countries can still have a piece of heaven still today ... problem is they are like you cry, cry, cry cry, and want it given rather than earned.... I remember, a few years back when America bailed out a country who was suffering from food shortage's. America sent them seed and people to teach them how to grow the food ..... What did the people do with the seed ......they ate it, because they didn't have to work for it.
It is people like you..... who give there attention to the media who helps to feather into your appetite of " Let somebody else do it "and then sit back and laugh at them for being a " good servant" at the job they have, then when the pay raises are handed out, you want the same money because "that is only fair"... What is " Fair " is to give you what your worth to your employer ... Not what " you " think you are worth. It is your employer who is taking the big risk, not you !!!
In closing.....America is the greatest nation on the earth, because our GrandFathers worked hard themselves and did not wait on somebody to hand it to them, because Of the "God" we believe in and because we have done more for the world in aid accidently, than any other nation has on purpose!!! There is an old proverb that reads ( Correct a "wise" man and he will still become "wiser" ).. Always remain "teachable".... Correction is never pleasent for the moment ... but when it is recieved,, it brings out the good to all.... My thoughts to you are; Stop watching the junk you have given yourself to, square your shoulders, stop your crying, do your job well regardless of what the other piers say about you, stop looking for a hand out, rather... give somebody a hand up ( your boss ) does'nt he sign your paychecks? Feed on doing for others,,, that is what brings promotion, learning to serve, rather than being served. So what if they laugh first... in the end you will get the best... people will want what you have to give and the result, will be rewards you never thought could be yours.
Personally I don't know you... But I am of the opinion, that all it will take from you, is a few small adjustments in the company you keep (slowly) and you can be feeling emotionally better about yourself and the world that surrounds you.. Go for it !!!!

04-19-2009, 10:13 PM
You asked for it, so here it is.........PULL your head out of the News of CNN !!! If there is ever a News network that is so messed up... it is that one.Every now and again someone like yourself comes along with the twisted view of how America is so bad. It can easily be connected with the media that they have been hearing ( FROM THE LIBERALS ).....
Freedom isn't given ..... it is won by force, pushing back men who would like nothing more than to have you to be there slave... to there beckon call, to give them what they want and then discard you like unwanted food, when you no longer please them.
Lets for a moment, Take a look at the " TALIBAN LEADERSHIP ". It is no wonder that Afganistan is in peril. None of it's leaders are for the people, it's all about tribal ownership and a single person in charge (dictatorship).. They don't want the people to learn much because that will cause change. When the average person has little more than a first grade education. Grown men with child like mentallity equals control. But !!! when people begin to think outside of the leadership box, they are beheaded for insoboardination or expelled from there camp, or whatever punishment is given based on how the tribal leaders skin feels on that day...( mood ). Taliban leadership has gotten a formal education, and control is given because of the money that the good-ole boys have at the top of the ring, stemmed from other countries leaders who hate America, because America has a Democracy that threatens there " Lust for Dictatorship "...
Turning my focus towards you...... You sit behind a keyboard and type in all the misguided info about America and have no concrete answers for the crap you have been hearing & reading about.... The bottom line is..... that you sound like a child, calling for his Momma to fix him another egg for breakfast, instead of asking your Mother to show you how to cook the egg so that she can be about meeting the needs of the entire family.... Give me, give me, give me, instead of being someone to step in and fend for others and help keep America strong . So what if we at times have Presidents who have twisted agenda's.. does that give cause to sit down and loose sight of the greatest nation in the world??? The other countries can still have a piece of heaven still today ... problem is they are like you cry, cry, cry cry, and want it given rather than earned.... I remember, a few years back when America bailed out a country who was suffering from food shortage's. America sent them seed and people to teach them how to grow the food ..... What did the people do with the seed ......they ate it, because they didn't have to work for it.
It is people like you..... who give there attention to the media who helps to feather into your appetite of " Let somebody else do it "and then sit back and laugh at them for being a " good servant" at the job they have, then when the pay raises are handed out, you want the same money because "that is only fair"... What is " Fair " is to give you what your worth to your employer ... Not what " you " think you are worth. It is your employer who is taking the big risk, not you !!!
In closing.....America is the greatest nation on the earth, because our GrandFathers worked hard themselves and did not wait on somebody to hand it to them, because Of the "God" we believe in and because we have done more for the world in aid accidently, than any other nation has on purpose!!! There is an old proverb that reads ( Correct a "wise" man and he will still become "wiser" ).. Always remain "teachable".... Correction is never pleasent for the moment ... but when it is recieved,, it brings out the good to all.... My thoughts to you are; Stop watching the junk you have given yourself to, square your shoulders, stop your crying, do your job well regardless of what the other piers say about you, stop looking for a hand out, rather... give somebody a hand up ( your boss ) does'nt he sign your paychecks? Feed on doing for others,,, that is what brings promotion, learning to serve, rather than being served. So what if they laugh first... in the end you will get the best... people will want what you have to give and the result, will be rewards you never thought could be yours.
Personally I don't know you... But I am of the opinion, that all it will take from you, is a few small adjustments in the company you keep (slowly) and you can be feeling emotionally better about yourself and the world that surrounds you.. Go for it !!!!

Hey!! F-450....I think you need to run for President. Man....That was the best tongue lashing I have read in a long time.

04-20-2009, 04:56 PM
I'd say he got what he deserved, but seriously why is our OWN media so biased and skewed to U.S. events. Look at this shit with waterboarding, they're still going with it.. jesus. Throwing out all our interrogation techniques in the open like it's nothing. FUCK OFF DAMNIT.

04-21-2009, 01:04 AM
Who Ya on that F-450!!!!!!!!

04-21-2009, 04:13 AM
I be quite honest here with you guys, I think it's fucking bullshit, I was once a die hard patriot but the shit i see in the news is fucking disgusting to no end.
Today we kill innocent people to gain more power (not that this is anything new).
I think we need to stop listen and learn, take a couple of steps back and have a fucking reality check.

I know I probably get flamed for this so fire away

Well, times have certainly changed. I was once a so called Conservative. What Bush did to the Republican Party and the Republican agenda has changed everything I believe in anymore.
America first? Lol. Not with millions of jobs going overseas and an open border.
Bush had 8 years to make a difference. What did he do? Well, I know what he failed to do and now we're up to our head in problems.

05-05-2009, 04:53 AM
I think the title of this post says it all. When did the U.S. stand for everything right in the world? NEVER! The U.S. has always, and forever will, stand for what is right for the U.S. people. The fact that we have led the world in almost every category and our culture has been spread so far and so wide is a side effect. People like you are setting an unrealistic and false goal just so you can point and laugh and say "told ya so" when the U.S. does not live up to it. What the U.S. really needs is what it has always had..proud people, hard workers, new ideas, willpower, and ingenuity. The world has no choice but to look on and admire..envy..or hate us.

05-09-2009, 09:25 AM
I be quite honest here with you guys, I think it's fucking bullshit, I was once a die hard patriot but the shit i see in the news is fucking disgusting to no end.
Today we kill innocent people to gain more power (not that this is anything new).
I think we need to stop listen and learn, take a couple of steps back and have a fucking reality check.

I know I probably get flamed for this so fire away

You have the 'stuff to post this regurgitated bleeding heart crap, but not enough Wabos to put up a profile. If you ever come back, we will talk,,,,,,Sparkie.

One question....[see if your 2 brain cells can work in unison[. How much money has the US sent to Africa tor AIDS this year?

05-09-2009, 02:56 PM
I be quite honest here with you guys, I think it's fucking bullshit, I was once a die hard patriot but the shit i see in the news is fucking disgusting to no end.
Today we kill innocent people to gain more power (not that this is anything new).
I think we need to stop listen and learn, take a couple of steps back and have a fucking reality check.

I know I probably get flamed for this so fire away

So you stopped being a patriot because you hate your current government? That doesn't make much sense buddy - You don't just stop being a patriot just because you don't agree with policies and decissions made by the government the majority have voted for - bitching and cunting around but not having the balls to do anything beside acting tough on the internet makes you an E-Hippie and a...


05-09-2009, 02:58 PM
Well, times have certainly changed. I was once a so called Conservative. What Bush did to the Republican Party and the Republican agenda has changed everything I believe in anymore.
America first? Lol. Not with millions of jobs going overseas and an open border.
Bush had 8 years to make a difference. What did he do? Well, I know what he failed to do and now we're up to our head in problems.

Seriously stop crying do something


05-09-2009, 07:48 PM
I agree with F-450 and Stark.

Starkie, the crying baby if freaking me out man!!!!!!!!!!!!:freakout:

05-09-2009, 09:57 PM
I agree with F-450 and Stark.

Starkie, the crying baby if freaking me out man!!!!!!!!!!!!:freakout:
