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View Full Version : China Scenario question

03-26-2009, 01:11 PM
What if China wanted to get involved in the fight of international terrorism. Lets say their proposed reasoning was to end terrorism but their true underlying reason was to watch how the U.S. operated.

U.S. intelligence officials are well aware of Chinese intentions and reject any Chinese plans to enter the regions. Can the U.S. tell another country NOT to get involved in the war on terror? What if China simply decided to drop troops in Afghanistan and Iraq what would happen? What would the U.S. do in these situations considering the consequences of our actions?

03-26-2009, 02:10 PM
Hmm. This is an interesting question, Tavarez. I'm sure there would be quite a political uproar if China ever decided to do this, or even proposed it. But, on the other hand, I think this may be a good thing, and could help strengthen our ties. It seems to me that there would probably be a good amount of tension between PLA and US/Coalition troops, in the beginning. It could really go either way, man.

03-26-2009, 05:24 PM
i don't think they could be too involved simply because of the fact their navy isn't nearly as large and practical as ours. mahan thesis, my old history teacher in college swore by it and he was a C.I.A spook in the nam. they could show up to the party but their supplies of beer and chips might not last. i would be more concerned about places they can drive too because they roll like the old soviet union. they are trying to become more like the u.s. in terms of tech and capability, they are trying like hell to be a player. personally i would watch them playing with india concerning water rights in the future.

03-26-2009, 05:32 PM
but having them more involved would bring legitimacy to the things we do in the "world's eyes" and hopefully open them up more in terms of over all relations, military, and socially. especially with iran. hell, we could pay off some of out debt moving their military around the world:duh: i so wish the latter wasn't true.....

03-26-2009, 08:50 PM
I just don't like the way they role. Have them involved with your military only to find a hum-v, abrams tank, bradley and stryker missing cause it was stolen by some chinese pricks for reverse engineering. There's a reason the russians have basically stopped selling their top tech to china.. they take.. copy.. rip off.. and sell your stuff.

03-27-2009, 12:25 AM
I just don't like the way they role. Have them involved with your military only to find a hum-v, abrams tank, bradley and stryker missing cause it was stolen by some chinese pricks for reverse engineering. There's a reason the russians have basically stopped selling their top tech to china.. they take.. copy.. rip off.. and sell your stuff.

Haha! Yeah, pretty much.