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View Full Version : Apr. 07., 2011. - ISAF Joint Command Evening Operational Update

04-08-2011, 05:20 AM
ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan 10354
For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (April 7, 2011) – Afghan National Security and International Security Assistance Forces reclaimed a key checkpoint in Shahid-e Hassas district, Uruzgan province, yesterday.

The checkpoint was taken from Afghan Local Police, March 23 when insurgents attacked and killed a police commander in Kakrak village. During the attack, after firing at a mosque nearby, insurgents also killed several Afghan civilians, including a young boy.

While recovering the checkpoint, the Afghan led combined forces were engaged by insurgents with small-arms fire. After establishing positive identification, the combined forces returned fire forcing the insurgents to flee.

In other ISAF news throughout Afghanistan:


In Nahr-e Saraj district, Helmand province, an ISAF patrol was engaged by several insurgents with small-arms and machine gun fire. After gaining positive identification, coalition forces returned fire killing two insurgents and forcing the others to flee.

In Kandahar province, during separate clearing operations, Afghan National Security Forces and ISAF discovered several weapons and improvised explosive device-making components caches in Panjwa’i and Nahr-e Saraj districts. The caches consisted of one AK-47, 840 7.62 mm rounds, two grenades, two rocket-propelled grenade rounds, two 155 mm artillery shells, 35 pressure plates, homemade explosives and IED-making electrical components.


During a clearing operation, in Koh-e Safi district, Parwan province, an ISAF patrol came under fire from several insurgents. After establishing positive identification of the enemy position, coalition forces returned fire killing two insurgents.

In Sayyidabad district, Wardak province, an Afghan National Police and ISAF patrol discovered a narcotics cache consisting of 200 pounds (91 kilograms) of marijuana.

In Zurmat district, Paktiya province a combined Afghan and coalition forces patrol retrieved a weapons cache consisting of 1,100 7.62 mm rounds, one full AK-47 magazine and five pistols.

The drugs, weapons and explosives were confiscated and have been or will be destroyed by the security forces.