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View Full Version : Badass image from front page

03-04-2011, 02:41 PM

Im brazilian and you have this image on the front page:
http : // www . apacheclips . com / images / badass . jpg

I wanna ask you to remove this image from there, cause this guy is a brazilian cop. Not just a cop, a son of a bitch cop. The federal police (like FBI) arrested this man cause he was selling rifles, pistols and grenades to drug dealers.

Something like this: the police invade a favela, get the weapons and take them to a storehouse. This man was stealing the weapons before it get to the storehouse, then selling to drug dealers. We called this man as "Brazilian Duke Nukem", but we are all in rage after we noticed that.

He have a "ass" in name. Not badASS, but ASShole.

Please remove this image of this man from the page, he dont deserve any kind of congratulations.


03-04-2011, 03:28 PM
i would think before there's any reaction from AC, some details would need to be confirmed. Example, what's the officer's name? Where in Brazil did he operate?

I don't see AC randomly removing something without ensuring the facts are all verified and correct.

03-05-2011, 12:14 AM
There are the proof:

Please translate to EN-US, the original news was written in portuguese-Brazil: http : // br.noticias.yahoo.com/s/12022011/83/operacao-guilhotina-dos-charutos-cubanos-revenda.html

Officer name: Leonardo da Silva Torres
AKA Trovão (translation: Thunder)

First news from the operation:
http : // oglobo.globo.com/rio/mat/2011/02/11/operacao-guilhotina-dos-charutos-cubanos-revenda-de-armas-apreendidas-para-trafico-923786117.asp
http : // g1.globo.com/rio-de-janeiro/noticia/2011/02/pf-faz-megaoperacao-para-prender-policiais-com-ligacao-ao-trafico-e-jogo.html

Another image from the officer:
http : // img442 . imageshack . us / img442 / 9927 / dukenukemforever . jpg

Video from the operation:
http : // oglobo . globo . com / rio / video / 2011 / 22214 /

Translation from the first block:
RIO - O inspetor Leonardo da Silva Torres, o Trovão, conhecido por fumar charutos cubanos durante operações em favelas do Rio, era chefe de uma das quadrilhas desmanteladas na Operação Guilhotina . Relatório da PF mostra que o grupo comandado por ele era formado pelo PM Aldo Leonardo Premoli Ferrari, e pelos inspetores Flávio de Brito Meister, o Master, e Jorge do Prado Ramos, o Steve, ex-integrantes da Delegacia de Combate Ã*s Drogas (Decod).
RIO - The inspector Leonardo da Silva Torres, the Thunder, known for smoking cigarettes from Cuba in favela's operations, was leader of a gang broken by Guilhotina Operation. A report from PF (like FBI) proof that the group commanded by Thunder was formed by the Thunder and another inspector: Flavio de Brito Meister, the Master, and Jorge do Prado Ramo, the Steve, ex-Narcotics formers (anti-drugs division of Civil Police)

I dont have a good english, but i cant let my country be remembered by this cop.

03-05-2011, 12:15 AM
Another proof:

http : // forum.esporte.uol.com.br/lembram-do-super-tira-bad-ass-duke-nukem-br-fumador-de-charuto-ele-foi-preso_t_1332197

03-05-2011, 01:18 AM
He is right fellas.

http://www.allheadlinenews.com/briefs/articles/90035162?Rio%20de%20Janeiro%20gets%20first%20femal e%20police%20chief%20after%20corruption%20crackdow n

03-05-2011, 08:11 PM
He is right fellas.

Thanks man :)

I dont have the best english, but i hate fake heroes like this Trovão (Thunder). Using camouflage, M4, smoking and with a "badass" attitude, but isnt more than a asshole. The worst kind of asshole, the one that was under law protection.

03-05-2011, 09:29 PM
No problem brazilianguy...Just wanted to make sure you were not just fucking with us.

Have a good day,and Welcome to AC.

03-06-2011, 10:21 AM
Thanks for letting us know, we change the bass ass picture every 2 weeks or so, it's gone now replaced with a big grizzly :)

03-06-2011, 05:16 PM
I like the big Grizzly Scott....The most powerful predator in north America.

03-06-2011, 07:31 PM
I like the big Grizzly Scott....The most powerful predator in north America.

no word of a lie, i was walking my dog at 3AM in the morning yesterday, and i was actually thinking to myself, if every thing in the world came to me now, what ones could i fight off with my hands? .... it striked me to realise it would probably be Humans and small animals.

Snakes , Bears , Lions are the big beasts in the world, unfortunatly we use weapons to gain the upper hand in this world, Humans are the worst thing to happen to this planet, we're destroying it by 0.1% a day, sad stuff. :(

03-06-2011, 09:37 PM
AMEN to that brother.:thumbsup:

03-07-2011, 11:44 AM
Uhm in my parts we have black bear (New England, Central Mass,), but our most powerful is the Suburban Cougar XD, She can drive a Lexus or a Volvo!