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View Full Version : Vaughan Smith: Blood and Dust ---- a MEDEVAC documentary

02-22-2011, 04:32 AM
Award-winning filmmaker Vaughan Smith spent 10 days with a US Medevac helicopter unit in Afghanistan.
from Al-Jazeera/English on youtube

really great documentary film
in HD

all of my respect to all of them
Vaughan's description of making the film:

I have done a fair number of military embeds in Afghanistan over the last few years but was concerned that I hadn't filmed the suffering of war, just its machinery.
This being a grevious ommission I went back last winter to film US army air ambulances, 'Dustoff' helicopters, flying over Marjah in Southern Afghanistan. The pictures are strong and show both US marines and Afghan civilians being lifted off the battlefield in equal numbers.
I have been pretty busy since returning from this trip last year, what with Julian Assange coming to stay and all that that means. It is very much thanks to the Al Jazeera documentary chaps, John Owen, Diarmuid Jeffreys, Neil Cairns and last but certainly not least because he did the video editing, Ross Birkbeck, that I got it out at all.
I have worked with Al Jazeera on this because I couldn't find another news broadcaster in Britain that would show the film without cutting out the stronger images. I have huge respect for the way Al Jazeera as a broadcaster engages the world while so many others appear to retreat from it.



(if somebody needed i've got the vid in 720p)

02-24-2011, 02:20 AM
Great doco thanks for sharing it

02-28-2011, 09:53 PM
Well worth the watch, thank you. :D