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View Full Version : Soulful Music

11-25-2010, 06:24 PM
We heard the mystical flute and guitar long before he came in sight as we strolled Cannery Row with the tourists. Seated on a folding chair next to a card table with his display of CD's he was playing his guitar and flute. Like many, we were transfixed by the man who looked like he had come over from nearby Castroville where he had been harvesting Artichokes for the world market. Farmers hands making love to the guitar and a grizzled working-man's face, under the hat, behind the flute.

http://www.karumanta.com/main.html (home website)


Every now and then you can 'feel' the music. Oscar Reynolds makes music with soul and you can feel it.
We play it, soft and low, and feel relaxed and...good, afterwords.