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View Full Version : The British have finally lost it WTF totally nuts.

10-13-2010, 03:16 PM
Last updated at 5:47 PM on 13th October 2010

Comments (30) (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1320214/Beware-falling-acorns-Health-safety-lunacy-reaches-new-peak-warning-sign.html#comments)
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They are so tiny that surely it would take an entire avalanche to hurt anyone but acorns have become the latest subject of ridiculous health and safety warnings.
Signs warning people about falling acorns outside a hospital in Essex 'just to be on the safe side' have prompted snorts of derision from visitors.
They were prompted when one visitor to Brentwood Community Hospital trod on one of the little nuts and twisted their ankle.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/10/13/article-0-0B98EA08000005DC-952_468x311.jpg Taking no chances: Signs outside Brentwood Community Hospital warn visitors about the dangers of falling acorns

It comes just days after over-zealous council workers in a Suffolk park warned about the dangers of falling conkers.
In Nottingham, a horse chestnut tree was stripped of conkers after a girl was hit by a branch thought to have been thrown by children.
But patients at the Essex hospital are incredulous. Stephen Collins, 50, said: 'I think it's absolutely conkers, it's nuts.
'I'm actually being seen at the hospital for an acorn-related concussion,' he joked.

Andrew McGowan, 28, who was visiting a patient, added: 'It's health and safety madness really. It's gone completely over the top.

'You don't need a sign to warn you about things falling from the tree, it's happens at this time of year, and you can see conkers and acorns on the floor.

'I suppose they are worried that if someone has an accident they will sue. It's sad really.'

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/10/13/article-0-0B98E9E4000005DC-996_468x675.jpg Watch out, acorns falling:

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1320214/Beware-falling-acorns-Health-safety-lunacy-reaches-new-peak-warning-sign.html#ixzz12GfAFQ6q
