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View Full Version : Russia says; US war in Afghanistan enters 10th year

10-08-2010, 08:41 AM

October 08, 2010 16:33:01 October 08, 2010 12:33:01 3 4 8:34 am (NYC) 1:34 pm (LON) 4:34 pm (MOW)
October 8, 2010

US war in Afghanistan enters 10th year

[URL="http://rt.com/Top_News/2010-10-08/usa-war-afghanistan-taliban.html/print"] (http://rt.com/Top_News.html)
Published 08 October, 2010, 01:14
Edited 08 October, 2010, 10:42
October 7th marked nine years since the United States initiated “Operation Enduring Freedom” in Afghanistan following the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City.
Many are questioning why, so many years later, the US is still at war in Afghanistan.

“We’re there because no US president, no US politician is willing to say, this is a failed war from the beginning, we should never have been there from the beginning, we should get out. No one is willing to say what they are afraid will look like a defeat. The reality is, it has been a defeat,” said Phyllis Bennis, the director of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC.

She argued that the war was a defeat from the beginning and than many Americans spoke out against the war nine years ago before it began.
“It has been a failure ever since,” she added. “If they want to declare it a victory, this is something once called in Vietnam, just declare it a victory and get out.”
Iraq war veteran and anti-war activist Adam Kokesh argued that there was due cause to go into Afghanistan following 9/11 in pursuit of Osama Bin Laden and those responsible, however the US did not need to engage in all out war.
“The significance of this day is just another milestone in the failure of the current paradigm of American foreign policy,” said Kokesh.

U.S. Air Force photo / Senior Airman Zachary Wolf / ISAF
download (http://rt.com/v/2010-10-08/601828_10.7.10-4pm-kristine-kokeshbennis.flv)embed (http://rt.com/Top_News/2010-10-08/usa-war-afghanistan-taliban.html#)

Anniversary (http://rt.com/A/search?tag=anniversary)Conflict (http://rt.com/A/search?tag=conflict)Military (http://rt.com/A/search?tag=military)USA (http://rt.com/A/search?tag=USA)Afghanistan (http://rt.com/A/search?tag=afghanistan)

http://rt.com/s/obj/2010-10-08/afghanistan_veterans.search.jpg (http://rt.com/Top_News/2010-10-08/veterans-protest-afghanistan-war.html) US veterans protest Afghan war

As the US entered the tenth year of what is already its longest war, veterans... (http://rt.com/Top_News/2010-10-08/veterans-protest-afghanistan-war.html)

http://rt.com/s/obj/2009-12-27/afgan_operation1.search.jpg (http://rt.com/Top_News/2009-12-27/afghanistan-soviet-war-operation.html) Soviet assault on Afghan president remembered

Thirty years ago thousands of Soviet troops were deployed to Afghanistan.... (http://rt.com/Top_News/2009-12-27/afghanistan-soviet-war-operation.html)

10-08-2010, 09:23 AM
"The reality is, it has been a defeat"??????? You fucking pencil pushing, latte sucking douche bag. We should never have gone? Who the hell does this douche think she is?
Ok, how about we pull out and say, "Taliban... we're sorry. You can have Afghanistan back and continue to fund and support Al' Quada. You guys can then have the free time to plan even more terrorist attacks against the US, and the rest of the free world. We deserved that attack on 9/11. You win."

FUCK THAT! I really hate these people that keep talking about this being a "lost war". Wake the fuck up. Not every war is like Desert Storm where you walk in and kick ass and then leave..... War is exactly that.... WAR. People die. You receive casualties....it sucks big time, but that's the price that is paid to keep our homeland safe and worry free (relatively speaking) from terrorist attacks.

This bitch needs to fill her mouth with something so that we don't have to listen to her.

Sorry for the rant, but this shit really pisses me off.

10-08-2010, 09:30 AM
Hey Gutro,
what you said makes sence to me Bro!