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10-08-2010, 07:29 AM
Injured Iraq veteran faces eviction from charity cottage

Felix Allen
http://i.thisislondon.co.uk/i/pix/2010/10/armymen415.jpg Home front: Fuad Bazzy, left, and Timothy Alexander in front of their charity homes in Clapton. They say private tenants have moved into the cottages in recent years


No justice, it is just GREED !

http://content.yieldmanager.com/ak/q.gifA disabled [URL="http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/related-701-iraq.do"]Iraq (http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=l&ai=B3YQ5av-uTJz7BKXLjQfezYXDCa3yht4B0bmJ_RGF26K5NICXIhAEGAQgr 5nUESgEOABQ16qQ6_z_____AWC7lraD0AqgAbGT1uoDsgEWd3d 3LnRoaXNpc2xvbmRvbi5jby51a8gBAdoBc2h0dHA6Ly93d3cud Ghpc2lzbG9uZG9uLmNvLnVrL3N0YW5kYXJkL2FydGljbGUtMjM 4ODU5NjctaW5qdXJlZC1pcmFxLXZldGVyYW4tZmFjZXMtZXZpY 3Rpb24tZnJvbS1jaGFyaXR5LWNvdHRhZ2UuZG-AAgGpAvbYIM_Kj7o-wAIByAK1080UqAMB6APxBugDqQPoA-4C9QMAAAJE9QMQIAAB&num=4&sig=AGiWqtwGd6wsd2fmfgAGet2DKZ_yMp3wbA&client=ca-pub-1303991290747972&adurl=http://www.atelierdeschefs.co.uk) war veteran and his pregnant girlfriend are being evicted from their home after he fell two weeks behind with the rent.

Fuad Bazzy, 34, and partner Gaelle, have been ordered to leave his cottage - designated for injured ex-servicemen - by today, or face being turfed out by bailiffs.
The cottage in Clapton is one of 10 owned by the Disabled Soldiers and Sailors (Hackney) Foundation. Mr Bazzy believes the organisation wants him out to make way for a private tenant paying higher rent.
Mr Bazzy, originally from Sierra Leone (http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/related-11400-sierra-leone.do), is now a lorry driver but can only work part-time after he was shot in the leg while training with the Royal Logistic Corps.
He said: "These cottages are for permanently disabled soldiers who have served this country and I have no other place to go."
He pays £350 per month for his cottage in Wattisfield Road. He says he was late paying only once and is now fully up to date with his rent.
His friend and fellow Iraq veteran, Timothy Alexander, 30 - who pays £650 a month - says he has also been asked to leave. Frank Graham, chairman of the foundation, told the local newspaper, the Hackney Gazette: "We have never evicted anyone before.
"The residents have been given proper chances to resolve the issues. He [Mr Bazzy] has balanced the books now, but previously his rent was paid two weeks late. We told him that if he agreed to pay the rent by direct debit we would let him stay on, but we heard nothing back."
Mr Bazzy and Mr Alexander say that in recent years some of the cottages had been rented out to private residents rather than ex-servicemen, and that they were paying "considerably" more rent than the veterans.
Mr Graham admitted that the foundation's trustees had allowed private tenants in to stop the cottages "being left empty", but added: "If tenants do leave we want to replace them with recently disabled servicemen who have families, and are currently talking to the Gurkha Foundation."
But his stance was criticised by Natalie Schofield, of charity Homebase (http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/related-3912-homebase-ltd.do), which helps ex-soldiers re-integrate into civilian life. She said: "They can find it hard to adjust to a normal life, paying bills and taking care of themselves."