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10-02-2010, 05:38 PM
Study Shows UK Equates Islam With Terror

British people are ignorant of Islam and equate the religion with terrorism, according to a new survey by a Muslim research group.

http://news.sky.com/sky-news/content/StaticFile/jpg/2010/Jul/Week3/15666271.jpg The survey found that many people knew very little about Islam

The Islamic Education and Research Academy (http://www.iera.org.uk/)has published a study (http://www.iera.org.uk/downloads/iERA_NonMuslimPerceptionsOnIslam_and_Muslims_Resea rchReport.pdf) into how British people view the religion.
More than half (63%) of those polled did not disagree with the statement "Muslims are terrorists."
A total of 94% thought that the religion "opresses women" and 70% that it preaches hatred.
The iERA, which works to improve people's understanding of the faith, questioned 500 non-Muslims in person.
Hamza Tzortzis, a senior researcher at the iERA, thinks many people would change their views if they simply learnt more about Islam.
The survey exposed a lack of basic knowledge, he said.
More than a third did not know who the Prophet Mohammed was and over three quarters (76%) had never spoken to a Muslim about their religion.
Mr Tzortzis told Sky News Online: "I was surprised in a way that a lot of people were still apathetic to religion in general.
"Deep down I thought we were going to get these results. I pre-supposed them."
Respondents were also invited to make comments.
One said: “They have taken our country over, it’s not England any more. We have to make changes to please them.”
“If I had my way I’d kick them all out of here," said another.

Study Shows UK Equates Islam With Terror

(http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/Islamic-Hotline-Launches-For-British-Muslims-Phone-Service-Aims-To-Help-Tackle-Religious-Extremism/Article/200906115293806?lpos=UK_News_Article_Related_Conte nt_Region_3&lid=ARTICLE_15293806_Islamic_Hotline_Launches_For_ British_Muslims%3A_Phone_Service_Aims_To_Help_Tack le_Religious_Extremism)Jun 02,2009
Islamic Hotline To Tackle Extremism http://news.sky.com/sky-news/app/img/chv_12_red.gif (http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/Islamic-Hotline-Launches-For-British-Muslims-Phone-Service-Aims-To-Help-Tackle-Religious-Extremism/Article/200906115293806?lpos=UK_News_Article_Related_Conte nt_Region_3&lid=ARTICLE_15293806_Islamic_Hotline_Launches_For_ British_Muslims%3A_Phone_Service_Aims_To_Help_Tack le_Religious_Extremism)

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[/URL]Posted by: Coby Juan147 (http://blogs.news.sky.com/profile/Coby%20Juan147) on September 8, 2010 10:18 PM
Do you realises that even if 100 MILLION Muslims conformed to negative stereotypes (terrorists, oppressors of women, intolerance etc.) that would still only represent LESS THAN 1% of the members of this faith!?

I’m no maths whiz but that doesn’t seem like an overwhelming majority!

It’s probably less than even a few thousand (100 thousand would be 0.00066%).

Posted by: [URL="http://blogs.news.sky.com/profile/lloyds"]lloyds (http://blogs.news.sky.com/profile/lloyds) on September 8, 2010 9:45 AM
i am a committed christian and i admire much of the islamic religion,the Koran is a book of peace though it is wilfully misinterpreted by many for their own ends.I have found the average muslim to be hard working and peaceful.As far as them asking what do christians know about the Koran i would ask what do they know about the bible.At least christians are free to read the Koran if they wish,it is even taught in catholic/christian schools. I doubt whether any islamic school has the bible in their curriculum or whether any of the pupils ever see a bible.