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09-29-2010, 09:24 AM
Schools to teach about rape in move to cut violent crime

http://i.thisislondon.co.uk/i/std/siteimages/eveningstandard/columnists/martin.bentham.gif Martin Bentham, Home Affairs Editor (http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard-home/columnistarchive/Martin%20Bentham,%20Home%20Affairs%20Editor-columnist-1330-archive.do)

Pupils are to be given lessons about rape and the law of consent as part of a new campaign to reduce violent crime in [URL="http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/related-94056-london-england.do"]London (http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=l&ai=B_2r-bD2jTOmsGNLB_Abp-tS2BMWA1scBja_onReN8vO1RvDXHBAEGAQgr5nUESgEOABQhJn-if______AWC7lraD0AqyARZ3d3cudGhpc2lzbG9uZG9uLmNvLn VryAEB2gFzaHR0cDovL3d3dy50aGlzaXNsb25kb24uY28udWsv c3RhbmRhcmQvYXJ0aWNsZS0yMzg4MzI4OS1zY2hvb2xzLXRvLX RlYWNoLWFib3V0LXJhcGUtaW4tbW92ZS10by1jdXQtdmlvbGVu dC1jcmltZS5kb4ACAakCnzamP-2Luj7AAgHIAsHCqQyoAwHoA8AF6AOkAegDE-gDqwX1AwAAAET1AxAAwAA&num=4&sig=AGiWqtzC-Pap06mD1Z-KYzberEQKQSfcug&client=ca-pub-1303991290747972&adurl=http://search.knightfrank.com/property-for-sale/uk/greater-london/hyde-park).

Under the plans schools will be asked to spell out to children that it is a crime to have sex without a girl's agreement. Pupils will also be told that it is unlawful to take advantage of a woman who is drunk and warned about excessive alcohol consumption leading to rape.
The reform is one of a number of measures that will be implemented by the new London Crime Reduction Board announced today by Mayor Boris Johnson (http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/related-2285-boris-johnson.do) and Met Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson (http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/related-36051-paul-stephenson.do).
It follows concern that the 37 per cent increase in the number of rapes reported in London over the past 12 months is being driven partly by a high volume of "acquaintance attacks" in which one partner has failed to obtain proper consent. Similar concerns were highlighted in a recent Government-commissioned review, which found that most victims know their attacker.
Deputy mayor Kit Malthouse, chairman of the Metropolitan Police Authority (http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/related-11000-metropolitan-police-authority.do), said the aim of the educational programme launched by the LRCB would be to take preventative action which would help police by reducing the number of future rape offences and other sex attacks. He added: "Sexual violence and rape in particular is an area where the police need help. There are serious issues about what consent means for young people and the role of alcohol in the rise of rape in London. That can only be solved by educating young people properly."
A report by the London Serious Youth Violence Board this year expressed further concerns about the attitudes of some young people towards rape. It warned that girls as young as 10 were being "pressured" into sex by gang leaders then passed to younger members for them to exploit. It added that some young women regarded such abusive treatment as "normal" and that many such rapes were going unreported.