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View Full Version : "Herbal Incense" ...friend or foe to military personel?

09-13-2010, 12:38 PM
I want to know if any of you have heard of this product and what you think of its use within the military.

It goes by many names....spice, herbal incense, herbal smoke, K2, JWH...
Its basically a designer drug sprayed on herbs like damiana and sage that mimics the effects of marijuana when you smoke it.
There is no field test for it and a user can consume it and get high daily without ever giving a dirty urine analysis.

Its very popular within the military for this reason.
It IS NOT legal to posses it if you are active military personal...however the exact details Im unsure of. It may only be illegal to posses on post, Im not sure. However, I have heard stories of people loosing rank and even being discharged as a result of the spice.

Do you think its a bad thing?
This product that gets you high is openly sold in tobacco stores, online, and in head shops. Certain brands have been outlawed in places like New Orleans and Oklahoma.

No studies have been done on its effects and the companies get away with selling it openly because they place a tiny sticker on it that says "not for human consumption", and yet market it like tiny packages of weed with names like "kush" ,"dank", "white widow", etc. So for all consumers know it could be rat poison and cancerous.

I took a job designing graphics for one of these companies and Im starting to have second thoughts morally. I respect the good people of AC's opinions. So please help me out and tell me what you think of this stuff.

Please dont bash me for taking the job. I never even knew what the stuff was untill I took this job. Ive seen sold in a bunch of places but never knew exactly what it was. I thought it was weed flavored tobacco. haha.

Thanks for your time!
Eris Killton

09-13-2010, 01:14 PM
You are correct. It is synthetic weed. Its only a few molecules different from marijuana, it doesn't contain THC. Therefore it won't show up on a drug test. I used to smoke it regularly (I'm not in the military) and it feels similar to weed, but its a little different. There's no burnt out feeling afterward and the high only lasts for about an hour. I do not think it should be allowed in the military because the legality of it is not the concern, it's the fact that it makes you high. They don't want people getting high on the job, just like anywhere else. So yeah you can get away with it because it wont show up on tests. Several states have already made it illegal and it will probably become illegal everywhere in the future.

So what do I think of it? Allowed in military? Hell no. In the civilian world, I think it should be legal along with marijuana. It's ridiculous that alcohol, something that kills people daily and that you can overdose on, is perfectly legal, but something that gets you high for a couple hours and doesn't inhibit your judgment at all is banned. Makes no sense!

09-13-2010, 01:16 PM
I have tried this shit and I view it a threat in many ways. And it all stems from bullshit prohibition of cannabis.....people are being made into millionaires from a cheap chemical coming in from china.
Lowlifes that need to get around a piss tests(probation/military) are buying this shit up like crazy. Kids are buying this shit up like crazy......

Does it really feel like weed? Hmmm, I'd have to say it does not feel like the effects of cannabis. This crap does mess you up, don't get me wrong.

The positive effects from smoking jwh-018 chemical or the smoke blends......none
The negative effects from smoking that crap: really rapid heartbeat, extreme paranoia, thinking that you are going to have a heart attack and die, head aches, extreme aggression.

A lot of people do not respect this shit and they die, they smoke it like they are smoking weed in which they are unknowingly taking "heroic doses". Am I making sense? lol
They smoke too much and cant handle it, and basically flip out with paranoia and blow their hearts out.....or a brain gasket.

The "not for human consumption" part is a legal loop hole that permits them to sell it. Just like salvia.
Individual states are banning it finally(just like salvia).

That's not good enough. Because kids are still getting their hands on it.......

This is the result of the failed war on drugs.
It's time to end it.

Teach your kids on what's right and what's wrong instead of having the nanny state do it for you.

Oh and just like salvia, this shit is not allowed for use by military personnel......the only problem is how can you bust them when it does not show up on urinalysis.

It's a cheap high that's equivalent to huffing gas in my opinion. Nothing synthetic will ever compare to the true effects of THC.

09-13-2010, 01:23 PM
Nice post btw, Eris

09-13-2010, 01:32 PM
I guess I should add I have smoked it a few times since I started to see what the hubbub was about. Its similar to weed, but IMO doesnt really do the job right. ALSO I quit smoking it cuz it gave me cystic acne it was a new chemical introduced to my body and I think thats why. Anyways Im pretty vain I guess cuz I stopped smoking it under suspicion it made me break out.

On one hand I think its kind of cool people can smoke it and not get a dirty....
But on the other hand I just see it causing more problems than its worth.

PsychoSixx made a good point that a few people are becoming insanely wealthy over this shit. It costs like max 3$ a gram wholesale and retails for anywhere up to 35$ a gram. I really think these people are nothing more than legal drug pushers.

The problem with outlawing it is that the companies that make the chemicals keep changing the formulas and making it impossible to keep up with...and that is kind of scary because then the users become the guinea pigs so to speak. For instance the guy I work for was saying that JWH actually has been outlawed and they just keep selling replacement formulas.

I dont think soldiers or anyone else should get high on the job, but I do think everyone has a right to get high after work if they so choose. So in one way its good cuz people who smoked weed before they had to test can still get high if they want without turning into an alcoholic ...but its bad cuz theres no way of telling what they are getting high off and how its going to effect them in the long run.

I dont see why military should loose rank or be discharged for using it tho, as long as they werent high at work.

Thanks guys for helping me work this out.

09-13-2010, 02:41 PM
I guess I should add I have smoked it a few times since I started to see what the hubbub was about. Its similar to weed, but IMO doesnt really do the job right. ALSO I quit smoking it cuz it gave me cystic acne it was a new chemical introduced to my body and I think thats why. Anyways Im pretty vain I guess cuz I stopped smoking it under suspicion it made me break out.

On one hand I think its kind of cool people can smoke it and not get a dirty....
But on the other hand I just see it causing more problems than its worth.

PsychoSixx made a good point that a few people are becoming insanely wealthy over this shit. It costs like max 3$ a gram wholesale and retails for anywhere up to 35$ a gram. I really think these people are nothing more than legal drug pushers.

The problem with outlawing it is that the companies that make the chemicals keep changing the formulas and making it impossible to keep up with...and that is kind of scary because then the users become the guinea pigs so to speak. For instance the guy I work for was saying that JWH actually has been outlawed and they just keep selling replacement formulas.

I dont think soldiers or anyone else should get high on the job, but I do think everyone has a right to get high after work if they so choose. So in one way its good cuz people who smoked weed before they had to test can still get high if they want without turning into an alcoholic ...but its bad cuz theres no way of telling what they are getting high off and how its going to effect them in the long run.

I dont see why military should loose rank or be discharged for using it tho, as long as they werent high at work.

Thanks guys for helping me work this out.

My opinion with the military is this, it's their rules....they did not force you to sign the line. You forfeit a lot of freedoms when you enlist.
Also being in the military is a 24-7 job. You are always "at work".