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09-02-2010, 05:26 PM
'Israel is willing to go a long way in a short time': Netanyahu makes pledge as crunch talks with Palestinians get underway

By Mail Foreign Service (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=y&authornamef=Mail+Foreign+Service)
Last updated at 4:24 PM on 2nd September 2010

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he was willing to go 'a long way in a short time' to achieve peace with the Palestinians as crunch talks got underway today.
'The people of Israel, and I as their prime minister, are prepared to walk this road and to go a long way - a long way in a short time - to achieve a genuine peace that will bring our people security, prosperity and good neighbors,' he said at the start of the talks in Washington.
Barack Obama had earlier urged Mr Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas not to let the chance of peace 'slip away' as the first face-to-face talks for nearly two years began.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/09/02/article-1308370-0B02A0C3000005DC-252_468x382.jpg Crunch talks: U.S. President Barack Obama, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas meet last night

It comes as opponents attempted to sabotage the talks after four Israelis were killed in a Hamas shooting attack and Jewish settlers announced plans to launch new settlement construction.
Mr Obama, who has stake considerable political capital on hosting the talks in Washington during a congressional election year, held dinner with both men last night.
He said: 'This moment of opportunity may not soon come again.
'They cannot afford to let it slip away.'
Mr Abbas has warned he would walk away from the talks unless Israel extends a self-imposed ban on building more settlements before it expires on September 26.
Hillary Clinton will host the State Department talks and U.S. Middle East peace envoy George Mitchell is expected to announce what - if anything - has been accomplished after they finish.
Four Israeli settlers were killed by the Islamist Palestinian group in the West Bank on Tuesday. Another two were wounded in a similar attack by gunmen yesterday.
At the same time, Jewish settlers announced construction would resume in 80 settlements in the area.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/09/02/article-1308370-0B021045000005DC-613_468x286.jpg Tensions: The U.S. is hosting the first talks between Israelis and Palestinians for 20 months

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/09/02/article-1308370-0B01CB26000005DC-401_468x397.jpg Deal breakers: Mr Obama holds a dinner with Middle Eastern leaders including Jordan's King Abdullah II, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and former British PM Tony Blair

Both Mr Netanyahu and Mr Abbas condemned the Tuesday's attack, which Mr Obama described as 'senseless slaughter'.
But they place fresh emphasis on Israel security concerns and Mr Netanyahu, who heads a coalition of pro-settler parties, has resisted any formal extension of the construction freeze.
The meetings also included Jordan's King Abdullah and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.
A spokesman for Mr Mubarak said both sides should be ready for long, tough negotiations.
'It will take more than handshakes, smiles and photo ops to make this long-awaited peace in the Middle East.
'What is really needed is for the the U.S. to step in, remain committed, remain engaged.'

The last peace talks derailed 20 months ago after Israel launch an offensive after a series of rocket attacks on the south of the country.

Sources said at the time both sides were near a decision over setting up an independent Palestinian state alongside a secure Israel.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1308370/Barack-Obama-tells-Middle-East-leaders-let-chance-peace-slip-away-ahead-crunch-talks.html#ixzz0yPT0w7JA