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View Full Version : New York Mosque

08-30-2010, 10:02 AM
Let me start off saying I am atheist and currently deployed overseas and have family in Manhattan. Now theres all this protest about opening this mosque at the site ( 2 blocks away) "it will stand as a trophy" "this is want the enemy wanted in the first place" "trying to steal our right to mourn" no with all this said theres very few that would know if thats the purpose but i see it as the bottom line is that i don't care cuz one i believe its unconstitutional to not allow them to open it where ever they like and i believe if there was a "master plan" behind it it wold be to make Americans look like monsters hating Islam. It could be propaganda for a "bigger picture" but who cares this is the United States of America home of the free. i wish people would just realize what they are doing by protesting this but in a sense protesting is just another freedom us wonderful Americans have so in all actuality continue to use your rights but dont be so naive and lets finally get something put there. I'm tired of "ground zero." the biggest slap in the face to the enemy hasn't been put better than Pen & Teller- make the final decision to rebuild the same towers in honor of those fallen to show we are not further damaged from this. we will pop smoke draw fire and move on with our selves and continue being the greatest nation on this earth.