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08-28-2010, 05:03 PM
28 August 2010 Last updated at 19:53

Missiles thrown during Bradford EDL demonstration

http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/48903000/jpg/_48903977_edl_280810_smoke_bomb.jpg EDL demonstrators were penned in at the city's Urban Gardens by hundreds of police
Bottles, stones and a smoke bomb were thrown during protests by a right-wing group and their opponents in Bradford.
Trouble flared at the city's Urban Gardens where police said less than 1,000 English Defence League (EDL) supporters had gathered.
They were penned in by hundreds of police as a separate group of about the same number from Unite Against Fascism (UAF) assembled for a rival protest.
Five people were arrested. An EDL supporter suffered leg injuries.
He was taken to hospital for treatment. A police officer reported receiving a minor injury.
Police said shortly after 1900 BST that the protests had finished, however, they urged people to stay away from the city centre "for the time-being".
Mounted police Officers had earlier erected a temporary barricade around Urban Gardens.
EDL supporters began throwing bottles, cans and stones over the barricade towards opponents gathered opposite Urban Gardens, shortly after 1400 BST.
A smoke bomb was also thrown over the temporary 8ft-high wall separating the two groups, landing on the ground and exploding by uniformed police officers.
http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/48907000/jpg/_48907578_010055383-1.jpg Police forced EDL members away from the city centre barricade
For public safety, mounted police pushed people away from Urban Gardens down Market Street, while other officers forced EDL members away from the barricade into the centre of the gardens.
Earlier this month, Home Secretary Theresa May authorised a blanket ban on marches in Bradford, but this did not prevent "static" demonstrations.
The EDL's Bradford rally was smaller than one held in neighbouring Leeds last October, which attracted about 900 supporters and 1,500 UAF opponents.
In a joint statement, Ch Supt Alison Rose and Bradford Council leader Ian Greenwood said: "Although there has been some disruption to the city centre, we are returning to normality and people of Bradford are now able to continue their lives."
It added: "The mood of the city in general has been one of calm and local people have co-operated and supported the police by behaving sensibly or staying away."

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Related Internet links

West Yorkshire Police (http://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/)
English Defence League (http://www.englishdefenceleague.org/)