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08-19-2010, 04:12 PM
Grandfather, 57, collapses and dies after three boys try to steal his bike

By Andrew Levy (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=y&authornamef=Andrew+Levy)
Last updated at 7:36 PM on 19th August 2010

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A grandfather-of-five collapsed and died after a row with three young boys who apparently attempted to steal his bicycle.
Josip Jovanovic, 57, was walking home following an afternoon’s fishing when the children, aged 12, 13 and 15, struck.
The asthma sufferer, who had had bikes stolen on two previous occasions, became involved in an ‘altercation’, according to police, leading to the boys running off empty handed.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/08/19/article-1304506-0AD8E172000005DC-450_468x583.jpg Josip Jovanovic collapsed after a group of youths tried to steal his bike. He died a few hours later

Moments later he collapsed and was taken to hospital after passers-by ran to help. He died later the same day.

Police arrested the boys on suspicion of murder but this has been ruled out after a post mortem showed Mr Jovanovic had not died as a result of any injuries sustained during the bungled theft. They are now looking at the possibility of assault charges.
The pathologist has asked for further tests to be carried out on his heart, suggesting he may have died from heart failure or cardiac arrest.
Details of the tragedy in Bedford emerged today, the same day the Daily Mail revealed how Second World War veteran Geoffrey Bacon, 90, was killed for just £40 and a bus pass.
Croatia-born Mr Jovanovic’s family blamed the young yobs’ parents, saying they had failed to teach them right from wrong.
Son-in-law Bojan Petrovak, 25, said: ‘He was fishing up the road and they apparently tried to steal his bike. He was running after them and collapsed and fell to the floor because he had a problem with asthma.
‘An old lady came to help him but there was nothing anyone could do and he died.
‘He would never usually fight back because he was an old man and not very well. A couple of times people have stolen his bike now.
‘I think kids who do this should be put in prison for ten years. They should respect older people.’


Killed for £40 and his OAP bus pass: Agonising death of Eisenhower's driver, 90, attacked on his own doorstep by 'despicable' mugger (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1304155/Eisenhowers-driver-Geoffrey-Bacon-killed-mugger-OAP-bus-pass-40.html)
Woman, 80, died after cyclist mugged her for her handbag on way home from a bingo trip (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1304443/Woman-80-died-cyclist-mugged-her-handbag-way-home-bingo-trip.html)

Mr Petrovak added: ‘He was a great man and a good man and never had a problem with anyone. He never hurt anyone or had a bad word for anyone.
‘He loved fishing, it was his sport, his hobby. He used to go out three times a week. He loved playing with his grandchildren and was a very happy, caring man.’
Former builder Mr Jovanovic, whose wife died five years ago, was originally from Osijek in eastern Croatia but came to Britain with two of his daughters in 1999. A third daughter still lives there.
He was unemployed due to ill health and lived in a small, one-bedroom flat with his partner, Danuta Ivanicka, 53, half-a mile from where he died.
Miss Ivanicka, from Poland, wept earlier today as she described him as a ‘good and kind’ man.
Mr Jovanovic was fishing alone on the River Great Ouse at a spot behind Bedford Borough Council’s offices 100 yards from the town centre when the children struck on Wednesday afternoon.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/08/19/article-1304506-0AD8F866000005DC-357_468x326.jpg The embankment in Bedford where grandfather Josip Jovanovic, 57, clashed with the teenagers

A footpath runs along the embankment and is regularly used by shoppers walking to a nearby car park.
He is believed to have remonstrated with the boys before suddenly collapsing after they fled. He died at Bedford Hospital hours later.
The boys were arrested and taken to a police station where officers continued to question them on Thursday.
A stretch of embankment was closed while forensic tests were carried out but the area was reopened today.
Bedfordshire Police said they were focusing on a ‘potential altercation’ between Mr Jovanovic and the three boys and were working with witness statements to establish what happened.
A spokeswoman said: ‘We are not treating this as a murder investigation. However, the boys are still in custody in relation to the potential assault on the gentleman.
‘The post mortem has found that the man did not die of any injuries from the incident. The pathologist has asked for a further test in relation to the gentleman’s heart.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1304506/Grandfather-Josip-Jovanovic-collapses-dies-boys-try-steal-bike.html#ixzz0x5J3vbKE